Meeting Date: 09/27/2021  
Subject: Quarterly Status on Continuum of Care Plan for the Homeless
Submitted For: Monica Nino,
Department: County Administrator
Referral No.: FHS #5  
Referral Name: Continuum of Care Plan/Healthcare for the Homeless
Presenter: Jaime Jenett, Community Engagement Specialist Contact: Jaime Jenett (925) 464-0152

Referral History:
The Family and Human Services Committee received a report on the homeless continuum of care in November 2020. The Committee requested quarterly updates on the status of efforts. 

Health, Housing and Homeless Services Division staffs the Council on Homelessness, which functions as both an advisory board to the Board of Supervisors and the governing board of the Contra Costa County Homeless Continuum of Care.

The Council is submitting a 2021 quarterly report with updates on the homeless Continuum of Care and work of the Council on Homelessness, as well as recommendations for the Board of Supervisors from the Council on Homelessness Advisory Body.

Referral Update:
Please see the attached Homeless Continuum of Care Quarterly Report for Q2 2021.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
ACCEPT this report from the Health Services Department

2021 Q2 Report for Homeless Continuum of Care
Presentation - Q2 Report from CoH