Meeting Date: 05/29/2020  
Subject: RECEIVE REPORT from Sustainability Coordinator.
Department: Conservation & Development
Referral No.: N/A  
Referral Name: N/A
Presenter: Jody London, Sustainability Coordinator Contact: Jody London (925) 674-7871

Referral History:
The Ad Hoc Committee on Sustainability has requested an update at each meeting on sustainability work by County staff.
Referral Update:

This report provides an update to the Sustainability Committee on the work of the County’s sustainability staff since the Committee last met on February 3, 2020. As of March 17, sustainability staff have been working remotely, in compliance with orders from the County Health Officer.  While there was an adjustment period as everyone established home work stations and figured out how to use online technology to continue collaboration, staff are now operating at a similar level as prior to the pandemic. Sustainability staff also have been assisting in the County’s Emergency Operations Center.

Key activities during this period are listed below.

  • Sustainability staff continue to refine with staff from many departments the draft goals, tools, and measures for the Climate Action Plan. Sustainability staff are supporting the General Plan update.
  • Participate in workshops to learn about opportunities to incorporate climate and sustainability goals in to COVID-19 relief and recovery work, and how other local governments across the country are facilitating this.
  • Began researching carbon sequestration as a strategy to include in the Climate Action Plan, including researching grant opportunities to fund a feasibility study and initiating collaborative conversations with stakeholders.
  • The solar overlay zoning ordinance was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on February 25. Staff are now processing applications from two developers for projects in solar overlay areas in East County, and fielding inquiries from others.
  • The Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN), in which Contra Costa County plays a leadership role, has shifted its outreach workshops to online formats.  BayREN has been providing training opportunities to contractors. BayREN has published guidance for contractors and the public on COVID-19 program response packages, options for loans and rebates, and more.  See attached BayREN fact sheet.
  • Facilitated the shut down of the East Bay Energy Watch (EBEW), which will no longer be funded by PG&E after June 30, 2020. Staff are identifying which elements of EBEW can continue through other channels.
  • The County submitted a $500,000 grant for a three-year period to the Sierra Health Foundation for the Public Health Division and Contra Costa Health Plan to provide asthma home visiting services to support the implementation of the County’s Asthma Initiative Project through the County’s Green and Health Homes Initiative (GHHI).  
  • Collaborated with MCE to identify potential sites for resilience centers that could operate during emergencies, as part of MCE’s newly established Resilience Fund. A report on this is provided elsewhere in the agenda for this meeting.
  • Continued coordinating with the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) and MCE on an application to the California Energy Commission for the CALeVIP program, which would fund electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the MCE service territory. The CEC is expected to issue a decision on this over the summer.
  • Hosted an online meeting of the Sustainability Exchange for local government staff in Contra Costa County. Over 40 people participated and learned about the contribution of paving materials and practices to greenhouse gas emissions, and how local government can help reduce GHG and other environmental impacts. The meeting featured a presentation from Dr. John Harvey, UC Davis, Director of the City and County Pavement Improvement Center and Director of the UC Pavement Research Center.
  • Continue to administer the Cleaner Contra Costa Challenge.
  • Participated in the Sustainable Contra Costa Virtual Earth Day celebration.
  • The Sustainability Commission did not meet in April, as staff could not support an online meeting. We are hopeful the Sustainability Commission will be able to resume its meetings in June.
  • Collaborated with County staff working on topics including land use and transportation, hazardous materials, green business program, the County’s state and federal legislative platforms, economic development, health, codes, solid waste, energy, and related.
  • Participated in regional activities.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECEIVE REPORT from County Sustainability Coordinator.
Fiscal Impact (if any):

BayREN Response to COVID-19