Meeting Date: 05/29/2020  
Subject: RECOMMEND APPROVAL for Director, DCD, or designee, to apply for Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation grant.
Department: Conservation & Development
Referral No.: N/A  
Referral Name: N/A
Presenter: Jody London, DCD Contact: Jody London (925)674-7871

Referral History:
Referral Update:
Contra Costa County is in the process of updating its Climate Action Plan. A strategy that is recommended as an effecitve way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is carbon sequestration.  Carbon sequestration refers to practices that increase the ability of soil and plants to pull carbon from the atmosphere and sequester it deep in the soil, restoring the natural soil that organic carbon sinks. Carbon sequestration also increases water-holding capacity, reduces erosion, and creates healthier soil ecosystems, making it one of the most cost-effective carbon capture strategies available.  Carbon sequesttation can be used in a variety of land uses. The attached fact sheet provides more information.

The draft goals and strategies for the Climate Action Plan update, which the Sustainability Committee, has reviewed, include studying the feasibilty of carbon sequestration. Staff seeks authorziation to apply to an upcoming California Department of Conservation grant, the Sustainable Agriculttural Lands Conservation program, for funding to support a carbon sequestration feasiblity study for Contra Costa County. The deadline to submit pre-proposals is July 1, and full proposals are due August 28.

Staff anticipates collaborating with a range of stakeholders for this study, including the Costa Costa Resource Conservation District, Univeristy of California Agricultural Extension, County Integated Pest Management Program, urban agricullture organizations, the East Bay Regional Park District, Save Mount Diablo, East Contra Costa Habitat Conservancy, and others as appropriate.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECOMMEND APPROVAL by the Board of Supervisors for the Director, Department of Conservation and Development, or designee, to apply for Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation grant.
Fiscal Impact (if any):

The grant carries an expectation that winning applicants will provide a 10% match, of which half (5%) can be in-kind contributions. So there would be a small monetary contribution. Staff is in the process of determining the cost of the Carbon Sequestration Feasibility Study.

Carbon Sequestration Fact Sheet