Meeting Date: 05/29/2020  
Subject: RECEIVE UPDATE on the County's Asthma Initiative Project through the Green and Healthy Homes Initiative.
Department: Conservation & Development
Referral No.: N/A  
Referral Name: N/A
Presenter: Demian Hardman, Conservation and Development Contact: Demian Hardman, (925) 674-7826

Referral History:
Referral Update:
Since 2017, the County Department of Conservation and Development (DCD) and Health Services Department (HSD) staff have been coordinating with County public health nurses to refer medically vulnerable clients to the County’s Federal and State Low-Income Weatherization Program administered by DCD to improve home energy efficiency and health outcomes. 

In 2018/2019, the County’s Community Choice Aggregator, MCE in partnership with HSD and DCD were awarded a Phase 1 Technical Assistance Grant through the Green and Health Homes Initiative (GHHI) to develop a Business Plan for a comprehensive home-based asthma program to expand services to improve health outcomes.  The Business Plan (Attachment 1) was completed in November 2019.  In late 2019, HSD in partnership with DCD and MCE was awarded a Phase 2 Technical Assistance Grant through GHHI to research the feasibility of integrating the project into the State health care billing system.  The technical assistance grant also provides support for finding other funding to support the implementation of the completed Business Plan. 

To implement the Contra Costa Asthma Initiative Business Plan, in April 2020, HSD in coordination with MCE and DCD submitted a $500,000 grant for a three-year period to the Sierra Health Foundation for the Public Health Division and Contra Costa Health Plan to provide asthma home visiting services.  HSD is expected to hear by June 2020 if the County will be awarded funding.   

In addition, HSD staff was advised that the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) staff was interested in the County’s Asthma Initiative project and is recommending that its Board allocate $100,000 towards the project. 
A verbal update on the status of this project and its potential funding opportunities will be provided to the Sustainability Committee.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECEIVE UPDATE on the County’s Asthma Initiative Project through the Green and Health Homes Initiative
Fiscal Impact (if any):
This project may allow the County to receive grant funds to expand the project's existing efforts. 

Green and Healthy Homes Initiative Business Plan