Meeting Date: 07/13/2020  
Subject: Allocation of Propagation Funds by the Fish and Wildlife Committee
Submitted For: John Kopchik,
Department: Conservation & Development
Referral No.:  
Referral Name:
Presenter: Maureen Parkes, Conservation & Development Dept Contact: Maureen Parkes 925.674.7831

Referral History:
On November 22, 2010, the IOC received a status report from Department of Conservation and Development (DCD) regarding the allocation of propagation funds by the Fish and Wildlife Committee (FWC). The IOC accepted the report along with the recommended modifications to improve the grant process in the future. The modifications included (1) updating the FWC Conflict of Interest Code, which was accomplished, and; (2) having the IOC conduct a preliminary review of annual FWC grant recommendations prior to Board of Supervisors review, which is now a standing referral to the IOC.
Referral Update:
Attached are two separate recommendations of the Fish and Wildlife Committee to fund two projects totaling $27,023.  These recommendations are supplemental to the 15 projects approved by the Board of Supervisors in May 2020 that totaled $85,891.

Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
APPROVE out-of-cycle recommendations from the Fish & Wildlife Committee for the allocation of 2020 Fish and Wildlife Propagation Fund grant funds for two additional projects totaling $27,023:

Grantee Project Amount
Carquinez Reg. Environmental Education Center Greenhouse/grounds improvement for educational purposes $ 8,523
Resource Cons Dist & Walnut Creek Watershed Council Arundo donax mitigation $18,500
Fiscal Impact (if any):
The recommendation will have no impact on the County General Fund. Fish and wildlife propagation funds are restricted to costs for the protection, conservation, propagation, and preservation of fish and wildlife, pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 13100, and are budgeted in the Fish and Game Fund (110200).  As of June 11, 2020, the Fund had an available balance of $228,493.

F&W Propagation Fund Grant Recommendation for Carquinez Regional Environmental Education Center
F&W Propagation Fund Grant Recommendation for Resource Conservation Dist and Walnut Creek Watershed