Meeting Date: 02/25/2019  
Submitted For: Kathy Gallagher,
Department: Employment & Human Services
Referral No.:  
Referral Name: Appointments to Advisory Bodies
Presenter: Rochelle Martin Soriano Contact: Rochelle Soriano 925-671-4535

Referral History:
On December 13, 2011, The Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution No. 2011/498 adopting policy governing appointments to independent boards, committees, and commissions, and special districts. Included in this resolution was a requirement that independent bodies initially conducting interviews for At Large/Countywide seats provide appointment recommendations to a Board Committee for further review.

The Workforce Development Board implements federal requirements for programs to address the education, skills, and employment needs for a skilled workforce, and that lead to an increase in the skills and earnings of Contra Costa residents.

On March 14, 2016, the Family and Human Services Committee (FHS) accepted the Employment and Human Services Department's recommendation to decertify the then-current Workforce Investment Act local Board and re-certify a new board structure in compliance with the new Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). FHS approved these recommendations, and the Board did the same at its March 29, 2016 meeting.

Under new standards in WIOA (2016) and as adopted by the Board on March 29, 2016, the new Workforce Development Board structure is: a total of 23 required seats and 2 "optional seats", consisting of: 13 Business representatives, 5 Workforce representatives, and 5 Education and Training representatives as follows: (1) Adult Education/Literacy; (2) Higher Education; (3) Economic & Community Devl; (4) Wagner Peyser representative; (5) Vocational Rehabilitation. Also two additional/ "optional" seats that may be filled from any of the 3 categories above.
Referral Update:
The Workforce Development Board currently has 20 filled seats and 5 vacancies. Please see two attached memos recommending appointments to 4 seas, along with applications, current rosters and attendance records.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECOMMEND to the Board of Supervisors the appointment of Meaghan Doran to the Business #3 seat, Robert Muller to the Business #9 seat, Romina Gonzalez to the Business #12 seat, and Fred Wood to the Education & Training #2 seat on the Workforce Development Board to terms ending on June 30, 2020, as recommended by the Employment and Human Services Department and approved by the Workforce Development Board Executive Committee.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
There is no fiscal impact.

WDB Transmittal Memo_Wood and Muller
WDB Transmittal Memo_Doran and Gonzalez
WDB Attendance Roster
Candidate Application_Meaghan Doran_WDB
Candidate Application_Fred Wood_WDB
Candidate Application_Romina Gonzalez_WDB
Candidate Application_Robert Muller_WDB