Meeting Date: 11/08/2018  
Subject: Flood Control Capital Improvement Plan for Contra Costa County Flood Control & Water Conservation District
Submitted For: Brian M. Balbas,
Department: Public Works
Referral No.: 7  
Referral Name: Review issues associated with County flood control facilities.
Presenter: Gus Amirzehni, PWD Contact: Gus Amirzehni (925)313-2128

Referral History:
On September 10, 2018, staff presented the draft Flood Control Capital Improvement Plan for fiscal years 2017/2018 to 2023/2024 (Plan) to the Transportation, Water and Infrastructure Committee (TWIC) and requested a public meeting after a six-week public comment period to be held at TWIC’s scheduled meeting in November. The Committee directed staff to schedule that item at the next meeting of the Board of Supervisors for consideration and approval. On September 18, 2018, the Board of Supervisors approved the item and referred it back to the Committee to receive and consider public comments on the Plan at the November 8, 2018, TWIC meeting.
Referral Update:
The Plan is a programming document for the funding of capital projects within the Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (District) within the next seven fiscal years. The Plan is prepared under the guidance of the District Expenditure Policy and is intended to inform the public and community stakeholders about flood control projects.

The Plan is intended to be a living document updated every two years or as needed. As more information is gathered about each project, the District may determine that some projects will need further revisions in scope, cost and/or schedule. In such cases, the District will revise subsequent plans to reflect those changes.

Adoption of the Plan by the Board of Supervisors does not automatically approve capital projects listed in the Plan. Capital projects are subject to separate public review, engineering feasibility analysis, environmental assessment, and final approval by the Board of Supervisors.

During the public comment period, the Plan was shared with community stakeholders and interested parties. A copy of the Plan was also made available for public review at the District Office and prominently featured on the District website. Staff also participated in the monthly Public Works meetings with Supervisors and their staff. The overall feedback for the Plan and the public review process has been positive.

As of the time of writing this report, the following is a summary of comments received and staff’s responses. One comment from monthly meetings entailed sharing the Plan with the cities and towns within the County. Staff subsequently circulated the Plan to the City–County Engineers’ e-mail list. Another comment from a city resulted in adding an assessment project to the unfunded, unprogrammed list and correcting a mislabeled field in project summary sheets. Three other comments received did not pertain to the Plan and resulted in staff offering technical assistance related to localized flooding issues.

Staff is requesting that TWIC receive, consider, and incorporate comments, if any, to the Plan, accept the Plan, and recommend the Board of Supervisors adopt the Plan.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECEIVE and consider public comments on the Plan, ACCEPT the Plan, and RECOMMEND the Board of Supervisors, as the governing board of the District, adopt the Plan.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
The Plan recommends 43 projects within the District with a total cost of approximately $54 million over a seven-year period. Approximately $31 million is planned to be directly funded through various flood control funds with no impact to other County funds, and $3 million is planned to come from other local, State, or federal grants. As projects are developed, additional State and federal grants will be sought to augment District funds.

Capital Improvement Plan