Meeting Date: 11/08/2018  
Subject: CONSIDER report: Local, Regional, State, and Federal Transportation Issues: Legislation, Related Updates, take ACTION as Appropriate
Department: Conservation & Development
Referral No.: 1  
Referral Name: REVIEW legislative matters on transportation, water, and infrastructure.
Presenter: John Cunningham, DCD Contact: John Cunningham (925)674-7883

Referral History:
This is a standing item on the Transportation, Water, and Infrastructure Committee referral list and meeting agenda.

Referral Update:
In developing transportation related issues and proposals to bring forward for consideration by TWIC, staff receives input from the Board of Supervisors (BOS), references the County's adopted Legislative Platforms, coordinates with our legislative advocates, partner agencies and organizations, and consults with the Committee itself.
This report includes four sections, 1: LOCAL, 2: REGIONAL, 3: STATE, and 4: FEDERAL.

1. LOCAL                                                                                                                      

No report in November. 


2. REGIONAL                                                                                                                     

No report in November

3. STATE                                                                                                                     

The County's legislation consultant will be in attendance to discuss the issues below, the outcome of the November 6 election, and other issues of concern to the County.


3.1: Iron Horse Corridor - Removal of Encumbrances
Background: The County's State Legislative Platform includes:

 "239: SUPPORT regional coordination that provides for local input in addressing transportation needs....Consistent with that position, relief from the requirements imposed on the County by the state relative to the Iron Horse corridor would foster coordination along this multi-jurisdictional corridor. Such relief could be provided through administrative action or County sponsored legislation."

• Consistent with the highlighted policy above, the County's legislative consultant submitted a draft bill to the Office of the State Legislative Counsel. The draft is being reviewed and is currently receiving minor edits and additions. 

3.2: Seniors and Persons with Disabilities (SPD) State Transportation Funding Program
Background: The County approved the proposal (TWIC 9/10/18, BOS on 9/25/18) which proposes a mechanism to strategically increase funding for transportation programs serving the senior/disabled population. It is acknowledged at the local, regional, state, and federal level that transportation programs for this population are underfunded and underdeveloped. These deficiencies are set to increase as demographic and public health shifts amplify issues.

• The proposal was submitted to the Office of the State Legislative Counsel by our advocate, we are awaiting a draft.
• Peter Engel (CCTA - Director of Programs), Linsey Willis (CCTA - Director of External Affairs), Rick Ramacier (Gen. Manager - County Connection), Mark Watts (County legislative consultant) and John Cunningham (CC County, Principal Planner) met on October 19th to discuss the proposal. County staff reached out to Mr. Ramacier as he is the Chair of the California Transit Association's (CTA) Legislative Committee. Mr. Ramacier offered the following observations on the proposal:

There was acknowledgement of the need to increase funding for SPD types of programs, there is no dispute on that point.
Transit advocates current have two other prirorities at this time which are 1) dealing with the impending cost of electrifying their fleet, and 2) their general interest in increasing/protecting revenue for their normal/everyday operations.
Considering these other priorities, there may not be enough bandwidth with transit advocates to also take on the SPD funding effort despite the acknowledged need.
Mr. Ramacier offered to share the proposal with CTA staff and get their feedback.

4. FEDERAL                                                                                                                     

No written report in November.


Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
CONSIDER report on Local, Regional, State, and Federal Transportation Related Legislative Issues and take ACTION as appropriate.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
There is no fiscal impact.

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