Meeting Date: 12/14/2016  
Subject: 4.6-Acre Development Interest at Buchanan Field
Submitted For: Keith Freitas,
Department: Airports
Referral No.:  
Referral Name:
Presenter: Contact: Beth Lee, (925) 681-4200

Referral History:
The development site is approximately 4.6 acres of land owned by the County and located on the northwest corner of Marsh Drive and Solano Way on the north side of Buchanan Field Airport. The parcel is commonly referred to as “Parcel C” and is designated for non-aviation use on the Buchanan Field Master Plan.
On September 29, 2016, the Contra Costa County Public Works – Airports Division received a letter of interest from a private party to develop a commercial use on the approximate 4.6-acre parcel. In accordance with the standard operating procedure regarding development at Buchanan Field, the County notified existing commercial tenants at Buchanan Field and Byron to solicit other competitive interest in the property. The development solicitation letter and publication provided a response deadline of November 7, 2016, for all competitive interests in the approximate 4.6-acre parcel to be submitted to the County Airport Office. The County received one additional letter of interest to develop this property. 
Consistent with the master developer selection process that was approved by the Board of Supervisors on May 23, 2006, the Airports staff sent both interested parties a Request for Information packet to complete and return by 4:00 p.m. on January 11, 2017 accompanied by a performance guarantee cashier’s check in the amount of $10,000. A selection committee consisting of County staff and representatives from the Airport and surrounding neighborhood has been designated to assist Airports staff in the review, interview (if deemed necessary), and selection of the preferred Master Developer.
On December 6, 2016, the Board of Supervisors authorized Airports staff to negotiate a ground lease and development terms with the top ranked party. The draft lease will be brought back to the Board of Supervisors for review and consideration. The environmental review process will proceed on a parallel path and will be scheduled for Board of Supervisors review and consideration either before, or concurrently with, lease approval. 
Development of this 4.6-acre vacant parcel for business park use would expand economic development activity at Buchanan Field Airport and lead to increased revenues to the Airport Enterprise Fund. This development will also facilitate the growth and development as identified in the adopted Buchanan Field Airport Master Plan.  A business proposal must be consistent with the Airport Master Plan and General Plan for consideration.
Referral Update:
Not Applicable
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
This is a general discussion about the selection process for a master developer of this site.
Fiscal Impact (if any):