FINANCE COMMITTEE   5.          
Meeting Date: 12/06/2016  
Subject: 2016 Annual Report for the Finance Committee
Department: County Administrator
Referral No.: 12/13/11 SD.2  
Referral Name: Resolution No. 2011/497, which updated Resolution No. 2002/377
Presenter: Lisa Driscoll, County Finance Director Contact: Lisa Driscoll, County Finance Director (925) 335-1023

Referral History:
On December 13, 2011, the Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution No. 2011/497, which requires that each regular and ongoing board, commission, or committee shall annually report to the Board of Supervisors on its activities, accomplishments, membership attendance, required training/certification (if any), and proposed work plan or objectives for the following year. This report fulfills this requirement for the Finance Committee.
Referral Update:
All Finance Committee reports from 2009 onward and attachments can be found on the County website at

In 2016, the Finance Committee received reports and/or made recommendations to the Board of Supervisors concerning issues related to:

  • Regular Capital Facility Updates and Specific Building Projects;
  • Special Revenues Administered by the Board of Supervisors
  • Review of the County Budget Policy;
  • Funding shortfall in the Wildcat/San Pablo Creeks Levee Remediation project in North Richmond;
  • Rodeo Hercules Fire Protection District's request for a portion of the County's allocation of Proposition 172 sales tax revenue;
  • Department of Conservation and Development's recommendations regarding a request for additional Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for Infrastructure/Public Facility Projects and amendment to the FY 2016/17 Action Plan;
  • Increasing the Capital Renewal Rate for Facility Maintenance and Replacement for Fiscal Year 2017/18;
  • Funding shortfall in County Service Area M-28; and
  • Single Audit for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2015

At year end, the Finance Committee had pending referrals on:
  • Continuing to develop strategic priorities to guide the budget development process including defining core services;
  • Continuing to evaluate funding priorities for FLIP; and
  • Continuing to implement and evaluate the Real Estate Asset Management Plan (RAMP).
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
CONSIDER 2015 Annual Report submitted for the Finance Committee.