Meeting Date: 06/09/2016  
Subject: CONSIDER report on Local, State, and Federal Transportation Related Legislative Issues and take ACTION as appropriate.
Department: Conservation & Development
Referral No.: 1  
Referral Name: REVIEW legislative matters on transportation, water, and infrastructure.
Presenter: John Cunningham, DCD Contact: John Cunningham (925)674-7883

Referral History:
This is a standing item on the Transportation, Water, and Infrastructure Committee referral list and meeting agenda.

Referral Update:
In developing transportation related legislative issues and proposals to bring forward for consideration by TWIC, staff receives input from the Board of Supervisors (BOS), references the County's adopted Legislative Platforms, coordinates with our legislative advocates, partner agencies and organizations, and consults with the Committee itself.
Recommendations are summarized in the Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s) section at the end of this report. Specific recommendations, if provided, are underlined in the report below. This report includes three sections, 1) LOCAL, 2) STATE, and 3) FEDERAL.

Transportation Expenditure Plan (TEP)
The Contra Costa Transportation Authority (Authority) is in the process of putting a half-cent transportation sales tax on the ballot in November 2016. A TEP is a statutorily required component of a transportation sales tax. This is a standing TWIC item for the foreseeable future.
TEP Update
A comprehensive report has not been developed for the June TWIC meeting, the TEP has been completed.

At their May 18th Special TEP meeting the Authority took several actions to move the TEP process forward including approving the final TEP language and authorizing the release of the TEP for review and approval by the County, Cities, and Towns. The schedule for review is below:

May 31: Orinda
June 1: Martinez
June 6: Pleasant Hill
June 7: Concord, Danville
June 8: Moraga
June 13: Lafayette
June 14: Antioch, Hercules, Oakley
June 20: Pittsburg
June 21: El Cerrito, Walnut Creek
June 22: San Pablo
June 28: Brentwood, San Ramon
July 5: Clayton, Pinole, Richmond
TBD: Contra Costa County

County Counsel developed a comprehensive opinion providing specific details on how the TEP will be brought to the ballot and how it would be administered. That opinion was distributed to CCTA staff. Coordination between County Counsel, Conservation and Development, and the Clerk-Recorders office continue. A final schedule will be developed soon.

Accessible Transit Service Strategic Plan/Transportation Expenditure Plan

The BOS has been communicating to CCTA the importance of addressing accessible transit in the TEP since 2014. The CCTA Board and staff have been supportive and responsive to the County's comments. Specifically, language was included in the TEP that required 1) an "Accessible Transit Service (ATS) Strategic Plan" be conducted and, 2) transit providers must participate in the planning effort in order to be eligible for any transit funding in the TEP. In later TEP versions that requirement removed for eligibility for conventional, fixed route funding but the requirement remains for the Transportation for Seniors and Disabled funding category.

During one TEP discussion at CCTA, Supervisor Karen Mitchoff commented that there was no need to wait for the TEP to conduct the ATS Plan which was met with support. In response to that comment, CCTA and County staff have initiated a dialog on the ATS Plan with a coalition of transit operators and accessible transit advocates. Funding is being sought and a small working group of staff has been meeting to move the study ahead.

Staff will provide further verbal updates on this at the TWIC meeting.

RECOMMENDATION: DISCUSS any local issues of note and take ACTION as appropriate.

Legislative Report

The legislative report from the County's legislative advocate, Mark Watts, is attached (June TWIC Report).

Mr. Watts will be present at the May meeting to discuss state legislation, the status of the state budget/transportation revenues, Iron Horse corridor status and other items of interest to the Committee.

RECOMMENDATION: DISCUSS any state issues of note and take ACTION as appropriate.
No written report in May.

RECOMMENDATION: DISCUSS any federal issues of note and take ACTION as appropriate.

Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
CONSIDER report on Local, State, and Federal Transportation Related Legislative Issues and take ACTION as appropriate including CONSIDERATION of any specific recommendations in the report above.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
There is no fiscal impact.

Mark Watts June 2016 Leg Report to TWIC