Meeting Date: 04/14/2016  
Subject: CONSIDER report on Local, State, and Federal Transportation Related Legislative Issues and take ACTION as appropriate.
Department: Conservation & Development
Referral No.: 1  
Referral Name: REVIEW legislative matters on transportation, water, and infrastructure.
Presenter: John Cunningham, DCD Contact: John Cunningham (925)674-7833

Referral History:

This is a standing item on the Transportation, Water, and Infrastructure Committee referral list and meeting agenda.

Referral Update:

In developing transportation related legislative issues and proposals to bring forward for consideration by TWIC, staff receives input from the Board of Supervisors (BOS), references the County's adopted Legislative Platforms, coordinates with our legislative advocates, partner agencies and organizations, and consults with the Committee itself.
Recommendations are summarized in the Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s) section at the end of this report. Specific recommendations, if provided, are underlined in the report below. This report includes three sections, 1) LOCAL, 2) STATE, and 3) FEDERAL.

Transportation Expenditure Plan (TEP)
Background: The Contra Costa Transportation Authority (Authority) is in the process of developing a Transportation Expenditure Plan (TEP) to potentially be put to a vote in November 2016. A TEP is a statutorily required component of a transportation sales tax. This is a standing TWIC item for the foreseeable future.
TEP Update
There is no written report on the TEP this month. Staff is preparing a comprehensive report for the April 26, Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting.

At the time of the April14th TWIC agenda posting, CCTA had just completed their April 6, Special TEP meeting. A substantial amount of materials were distributed just prior to the CCTA meeting and at the meeting including presentations from environmental and business advocates. Those documents are attached for the Committees information and will be addressed at the April 26 BOS meeting.  

RECOMMENDATION: DISCUSS any local issues of note and take ACTION as appropriate.


Legislative Report
The legislative report from the County's legislative advocate, Mark Watts, is attached (April TWIC State Leg Report and Funding Bills overview April 2016).

Mr. Watts will be present at the April meeting to discuss the state budget, Special Session/Conference Committee, the status of state transportation revenues and other items of interest to the Committee.

Also attached is the County's recent letter and resolution to the state regarding transportation funding (BOS to LegDelegation re Transportation Funding)

RECOMMENDATION: DISCUSS any state issues of note and take ACTION as appropriate.

No written report in April. 

RECOMMENDATION: DISCUSS any federal issues of note and take ACTION as appropriate.

Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
CONSIDER report on Local, State, and Federal Transportation Related Legislative Issues and take ACTION as appropriate including CONSIDERATION of any specific recommendations in the report above.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
There is no fiscal impact.

4-6-15 CCTA Special TEP - Handout_from_Presenter - MTC Project Performance
4-6-15 CCTA Special TEP - Handouts
4-6-15 CCTA Special TEP - Presentation on Oversight Cmmttee
4-6-15 CCTA Special TEP - Presentation_by_Commissioner_Arnerich
BOS to LegDelegation re Transportation Funding
Funding Bills overview April 2016
April TWIC State Leg Report