Meeting Date: 03/09/2015  
Subject: Status Report on AB 109 Community Programs
Submitted For: David Twa,
Department: County Administrator
Referral No.: N/A  
Referral Name: AB 109 IMPLEMENTATION
Presenter: Lara DeLaney, Senior Deputy County Administrator Contact: Lara DeLaney, (925) 335-1097

Referral History:

FY 2013-14
As directed by the Public Protection Committee (PPC) at their March 8, 2013 meeting, RFPs for the AB 109 Community Programs for FY 2013-14 were issued for the following:
  • Employment Support and Placement Services  $ 2,000,000
  • Short and Long-Term Housing Access               $   500,000
  • Peer and Mentoring Support                               $   200,000
  • Planning for (3) Reentry Resource Centers        $   120,000
Upon conclusion of the procurement process, the following contracts were awarded by the Board of Supervisors at their May 21, 2013 meeting: 
  1. Rubicon Programs Inc., in an amount not to exceed $1,400,000, to provide employment support and placement services in West and East County.
  2. Goodwill Industries of the Greater East Bay in an amount not to exceed $600,000, to provide employment support and placement services in Central County
  3. Shelter Inc., in an amount not to exceed $500,000, to provide short and long-term housing access countywide.
  4. Contra Costa County Office of Education in an amount not to exceed $200,000, to provide peer and mentoring services through sub-contracts with Men and Women of Purpose, Center for Human Development, and Brighter Beginnings.
  5. Further The Work, LLC., in an amount not to exceed $40,000, to provide planning services for a Reentry Resource Center for West County.
  6. Emerald HPC, International in an amount not to exceed $80,000, to provide planning services for Central and East County.
A follow-on contract with the Contra Costa Crisis Center to provide for the development and update of a Reentry Resource Guide was also developed for FY 13-14 in the amount of $15,000.
In addition, the final FY 2013-14 budget for AB 109 Public Safety Realignment included an allocation in the amount of $80,000 for reentry legal services for the Central County AB 109 population.  Subsequent to the budget authorization, the County Administrator’s Office issued an RFQ and after conclusion of the procurement process, the Board of Supervisors authorized a contract with Bay Area Legal Aid on September 17, 2013 in the amount of $80,000.
FY 2014-15
For FY 2014-15, the Public Protection Committee directed staff at its February 24, 2014 meeting to extend the contracts for employment support and placement services as well as for short and long-term housing access, and Central County legal services with the contractors selected for FY 13-14. The PPC also directed that the $200,000 for the Peer and Mentoring Program be divided equally between the existing sub-contractors, Men and Women of Purpose, Center for Human Development, and Brighter Beginnings ($66,667 each).  
On the recommendation of the PPC, on May 13, 2014 the Board of Supervisors authorized contracts to implement the recommendations of the reentry center/network planning processes for West, Central & East County.  Contracts were awarded to the following:
West County Reentry Resource Center  
Rubicon Programs, Inc.: $800,000
Network Management Team  
Kathy Moniz-Narasaki, Network Manager $107,000
Patrick Mims, Field Ops. Coordinator, Central $82,700
Vernon Williams III, Field Ops. Coordinator, East $82,700
Eugene Jackson, Field Ops. Coordinator, East $83,200
sub-total $355,600
Network Service Providers  
JFK University $66,000
Brighter Beginnings/Leadership $66,000
Prepare My Sheep $65,000
New Dream Life Center $115,000
Reach Fellowship: Employment-Education Liaison $53,500
Men and Women of Purpose:  Employment-Education Liaison $50,900
sub-total $416,400
Prepare My Sheep—equipment (FY 13-14) $52,330
Financial Summary
A financial summary report of the FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15 AB 109 Community Programs is Attachment A.
Program Implementation
The County Reentry Coordinator and the Senior Deputy CAO assigned to the Community Programs project have held AB 109 Administrator meetings, met one-on-one with contractors, and participated in Case Conference meetings in order to assist with the management and performance of the contractors.In addition, contractors have been required to provide Quarterly Summary Reports.
Issues of concern that have been identified by staff and contractors include:
Implementation of the service referral process:  The process by which referrals are made to the contracted service providers has required the development of information technology solutions, in consultation with service providers, and the training of AB 109 Probation Officers, both of which require time and staff resources.  The implementation of the Plans for the West County Reentry Resource Center and the Central/East Networks have impacted the established processes and have required additional time and resources for development.  
Lower than anticipated number of referrals in some cases: Contracts were initially developed with client referral numbers that did not met expectations.  In a few cases, client referrals were duplicated among service providers. The Public Protection Committee has directed that the service population be extended to non-AB 109 clients.  A Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) Work Group has been established to work through the referral and enrollment processes for this population extension.

The need to improve or increase client engagement strategies:  Contractors are working with Probation and CAO staff to increase client “engagement” by developing strategies to better “market” available services.  Strategies in progress include the development of brochures and flyers, hosting “service fairs,” increasing the presence of service providers at Probation offices, and facilitating AB 109 Probation Officer knowledge of program content and capacity. There is also an increased emphasis on Pre-release relationship building and service delivery, so that clients are more familiar with programs and program staff and interested in engagement.
The need to improve data management services across/among providers:  Contractors identified a need for client case management resources, effective intake and assessment forms, and the ability to exchange information more easily.  The work that our program evaluation consultants, Resource Development Associates, are currently performing is anticipated to address this issue more fully.  The East-Central Network of Services has helped to address this problem by providing resources from FY 13-14 one-time funds for database management support, procurement of ServicePoint client management software, and aligning expectations around performance reporting.  
Insufficient resources provided for housing:  As anticipated, the amount of funds provided for the establishment of transitional housing has proven to be insufficient to the demand.  Furthermore, the transitional housing provider identified in the East-Central Plan has not been able to identify housing resources.  At its January 2015 meeting, the Public Protection Committee directed staff to proceed with an alternative housing provider.  An amendment to the contract with SHELTER Inc. is being proposed to the Board of Supervisors for their Mar. 3, 2015 agenda for $115,000 to provide additional transitional housing in East and Central County.   
The need to plan for service provision in the future:  Contractors have expressed a need to know whether contracts will be extended for longer periods of time so that they can adequately prepare their budgets and allocate required resources.  When RFPs are issued for FY 16-17, consideration should be given to multi-year contracts.
Referral Update:
This issue is listed on the Community Corrections Partnership agenda for action on Friday, March 6, 2015. The intent is to forward the action of the CCP to the PPC for review and approval; however, at the time of publishing this agenda packet, there is no action of the CCP to include. Staff will present the actions of the CCP to the Committee at the March 9, 2015 meeting.

The March 6, 2015 agenda packet for the CCP is available here:

Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
1. EXTEND the Employment, Housing, and Legal Services contracts for an additional fiscal year (FY 15-16) so contractors have sufficient time to perform on the contracts and sufficient performance data is developed to evaluate program efficacy. Staff is developing a “Contractor Compliance Checklist,” and is meeting with the individual contractors to ensure satisfactory progress in reaching contract goals.

2. ACKNOWLEDGE that the Community Corrections Partnership has referred to its Community Advisory Board for input, a review of the Mentoring/Family Reunification Services ($200k) contract allocations for FY 14-15 and directed the CAB to return to the CCP with a recommendation.

3. APPROVE recommendations of the East/Central County Network Manager to reallocate program allocations in the East Central Network System of Services budget, with no change to the total budget amount of $800,000, for fiscal year 2015/16.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
No additional fiscal impact.

Attachment A - FY 2013/14 & 2014/15 Community Programs Summary
Network Manager Letter to the CCP