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Meeting Date: 03/23/2015  
Subject:    Update on County Climate Action Plan
Submitted For: Supervisors John Gioia and Federal D. Glover
Department: County Administrator  
Referral No.: 2015-02  
Referral Name: Update on County Climate Action Plan
Presenter: Will Nelson, DCD Staff Contact: Will Nelson, (925) 674-7791

Referral History:
Referral Update:
On April 17, 2012, the Board of Supervisors directed the Department of Conservation and Development (DCD) to prepare a community-wide Climate Action Plan (CAP) to address climate change impacts in the unincorporated area by reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). This directive to prepare a community-wide CAP built upon previous climate change initiatives by the Board dating back to 2008, when the Board accepted a report and recommendation from the County’s Climate Action Working Group to approve the Municipal Climate Action Plan (MCAP). The purpose of the MCAP was to quantify the GHG emissions from County government operations, identify GHG emission reduction measures for County operations, and prioritize implementation of these reduction measures. The MCAP was developed in large part by an interdepartmental working group convened by DCD.

In response to the Board’s 2012 direction, DCD retained Pacific Municipal Consultants (PMC), conducted public outreach, and worked with other County departments to prepare a CAP that would serve as the County’s roadmap for reducing GHG emissions within the unincorporated areas. On December 26, 2012, DCD released a Public-Review Draft CAP, which included:
  • GHG emission inventory by sources in the unincorporated area for the baseline year 2005 and a GHG emissions forecast;
  • Proposed GHG reduction target of 15 percent below baseline by Year 2020 consistent with Assembly Bill 32 (Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006);
  • Comprehensive listing of GHG emission reduction actions, or strategies, to be implemented by the County, organized by sector (land use and transportation, energy efficiency, renewable energy, solid waste, water, and government operations) and quantitative evaluation of proposed actions in reducing GHG emissions;
  • Public Health evaluation in recognition that GHG emissions warrant careful consideration to minimize its health effects in surrounding communities as a component to the CAP; and
  • Implementation and monitoring.
Concurrent with release of the Public-Review Draft CAP, in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), DCD issued an Initial Study and Proposed Negative Declaration. Comments were received from several agencies and individuals, including the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD).

In January 2015 DCD reengaged the BAAQMD and PMC with the intention of completing the CAP in 2015. DCD is currently in the process of renewing its contract with PMC. Once complete, the CAP will not only serve as a roadmap for reducing GHG emissions within the unincorporated areas, but may also assist in streamlining CEQA reviews related to GHG emissions.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
ACCEPT the report on the status of the County Climate Action Plan;
DIRECT DCD staff to convene the Interdepartmental Working Group; and
PROVIDE direction to staff as appropriate.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
The initial effort to prepare the CAP was paid for with federal Energy Efficiency Block Grant funds, which are no longer available. The renewed contract with PMC is for an amount not to exceed $54,995.00, which will be funded out of DCD’s current year budget.
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