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Meeting Date: 10/24/2016  
Subject:    RECEIVE update on funding to support Climate Action Plan implementation.
Submitted For: John Kopchik, Director, Conservation & Development Department
Department: Conservation & Development  
Referral No.:  
Referral Name:
Presenter: Jody London, DCD Contact: Jody London (925)674-7871

Referral History:
On August 22, 2016, the Ad Hoc Sustainability Committee received a report on funding opportunities associated with the County’s Climate Action Plan and sustainability. The Committee asked staff to reconvene the staff team tracking Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds, and report back on the activities of each department, and funds received.
Referral Update:
Assembly Bill 32 (2006) and subsequent legislation and rulemakings created a Cap and Trade program whereby regulated entities, including stationary sources of pollution and mobile sources of pollution, buy and sell credits for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The proceeds from the Cap and Trade program are placed in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, which is then disbursed by State agencies according to rules each agency developed, under the general direction of the California Air Resources Board.

Contra Costa County staff have been pursuing Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds, and other funding sources, for many years. A summary of all funds that have come to the County and its cities, special districts, and residents and businesses was provided on August 22.

Below we provide an overview of staff activities to draw more Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds to projects and programs in Contra Costa County.

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Program County Activities

Low Carbon Transit Operations Program
• The County has collaborated with other entities, including the Contra Costa Transportation Authority, on a number of grants to state and regional agencies. In the case of the Low Carbon Transit Operations Program, the County delegates responsibilities to numerous joint powers agencies, including transit agencies. In 2015-2016, transit agencies in Contra Costa County received $1.1 million for various service improvements and equipment upgrades.

• The County continues to sponsor the Safe Routes to School program, through Health Services, which is funded through State, local, and other grant programs.

• An important source of funding for low carbon transit and school buses is the mitigation fees collected through the community service area in Tassajara Valley.

• A potential source of additional funding for public transit and school buses are county service area revenues (CSA) such as those collected in Alamo Creek with CSA T-1.

• The decrease statewide in gasoline tax revenue has reduced County budgets for low transit programs / funding for transit districts. State legislation that will assess taxes based on vehicle miles travelled may address the volatility and decreasing revenue (due to electric and fuel efficient vehicles) associated with the gas tax.

Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities
• The County has been twice denied funding for this program, most recently on September 30, 2016.

• The next round of AHSC funding has not been released.

• The Legislature created a new program, Transformative Climate Communities, which has been funded at $140 million. Draft guidance from the Strategic Growth Council would direct 50% of these funds to the City of Los Angeles, 25% to the City of Fresno, and the remainder to a community to be determined. This is based on the high proportion of “disadvantaged” census tracts in those cities.

Low Carbon Transportation
• The County has received funding to build out infrastructure for electric vehicles.

Weatherization Upgrades/Renewable Energy
• The County has continued to administer weatherization funds that are administered by the California Department of Community Services and Development. This is an important source of funding for improvements for low income households in our County.

Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings
• The County continues to identify opportunities appropriate for funding energy efficiency in public buildings. The upcoming work to develop a new Capital Improvement Plan, and consideration of a new Administration Building and Emergency Operation Center all provide opportunities for the County to demonstrate its commitment to sustainable building design and operation.

Agricultural Energy and Operational Efficiency
• This has not been an area of focus to date.

Water Action Plan - Wetlands and Watershed Restoration
• The County is monitoring grant opportunities for wetlands and watershed restoration.

• The County has worked with the East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy to provide feedback on grant Requests for Proposals through the Sustainable Lands Conservation Program (SALC) on land acquisition funding.

• Brentwood Agricultural Trust successfully competed for funds from the SALC program and was awarded $10 million to conserve land east of Discovery Bay.

• County staff continues to monitor funding opportunities related to wetlands and watershed restoration and protection.

Sustainable Forests
• This has not been an area of focus to date.

Waste Diversion
• The County routinely administers grants for waste diversion. These are not necessarily from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds. Staff continues to look for opportunities with Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds, including with a recent announcement.

An emerging concern for staff regarding the County’s ability to access Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds is the draft methodology released in early September by the California Environmental Protection Agency. Under the proposed CalEnviroScreen, fewer communities in the Contra Costa County would qualify as “disadvantaged communities,” limiting our ability to pursue certain funding sources. For example, the CSD (define acronym) disburses funds for low income weatherization only to disadvantaged communities. Staff has been working to understand and help craft policy recommendations that would direct funds from large stationary sources that participate in the Cap and Trade program to the communities where those sources are located.

Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECEIVE staff report on funding activities related to Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
Any Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds the County has received means the County has additional resources for climate related programs and projects.
No file(s) attached.

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