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Meeting Date: 09/14/2020  
Department: County Administrator  
Referral No.:  
Referral Name:
Presenter: Contact:

Referral History:
The Advisory Council for Equal Employment Opportunity (ACEEO) was established in July 1991 to serve as an advisory committee to the Board of Supervisors regarding the implementation of the County's Affirmative Action Plan, to review the Affirmative Action Program and to recommend actions to facilitate attainment of the County's goal for affirmative action. The Council is composed of 13 members and a Board committee reviews nominations to all seats except those designated for County managers and labor unions. Terms of office for seats reviewed by Board Committee are three years.

In 2013, Internal Operations Committee (IOC) reviewed Board Resolution Nos. 2011/497 and 2011/498, which stipulate that applicants for At Large/Non Agency-Specific seats on specified bodies are to be interviewed by a Board subcommittee. The Resolutions further permit a Board Committee to select a screening committee to assist in interviewing applicants for appointment for certain bodies, including the ACEEO.
Referral Update:
For many years, the IOC served as the reviewing committee for ACEEO nominations; however, the mission of the ACEEO is more consistent with the Board's Hiring Outreach and Oversight Committee, which is now designated as the reviewing committee for ACEEO nominations to the following seats:

Community 1, 2, 3, & 4
Education (vacant)
Labor Involved in Training (vacant)
Union Seats 1 &2 (vacant)
Management Seats 1 & 2 (vacant)

The regular process for the above seats is that the Affirmative Action Officer would recruit for membership, the ACEEO or a subcommittee thereof would screen/interview applications or candidates, and then forward its nominations to the Hiring Outreach and Oversight Committee (formerly IOC) for consideration and possible recommendation to the BOS.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
ACCEPT the resignation of Jena Williams from Community Member Seat #1 with the term expiring on November 30, 2020. DIRECT the Clerk of the Board to post the vacancy.

ACCEPT AND APPROVE the nomination of Kelli Collins to the Labor and Trade Seat with the term expiring on November 30, 2020 and extended to November 30, 2023 as recommended by the Advisory Council on EEO.

ACCEPT AND APPROVE the nomination of Jena Williams for Management Seat #1 with the term expiring on November 30, 2022 as recommended by the Advisory Council on EEO.

ACCEPT AND APPROVE the reappointment of Angela Malala to Community Seat #2 with the term expiring on November 30, 2023 as recommended by the Advisory Council on EEO.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
Kelli Collins Application
Jena Williams Application
Angela Malala Application

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