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Meeting Date: 09/29/2020  
Subject:    RECEIVE update and PROVIDE DIRECTION on draft environmental justice policies for County General Plan.
Submitted For: Jody London, Sustainability Coordinator
Department: Conservation & Development  
Referral No.: N/A  
Referral Name: N/A
Presenter: Will Nelson, Current Planning Contact: Will Nelson (925) 674-7791

Referral History:
Since 2018, the Department of Conservation and Development (DCD) has been working on Envision Contra Costa 2040 (ECC2040), the update to the County General Plan, Zoning Code, and Climate Action Plan (CAP). A requirement related to the General Plan update is compliance with SB 1000, the Planning for Healthy Communities Act, passed in 2016. SB 1000 requires the County General Plan to address environmental justice in disadvantaged communities (DACs) in the unincorporated area of the county (i.e., North Richmond, Montalvin Manor/Tara Hills/Bayview, Rodeo, Crockett, Mountain View/Vine Hill, and Bay Point).
Referral Update:
DCD and PlaceWorks (the County’s consultant for ECC2040) staff have created a draft set of environmental justice goals, policies, and actions (collectively “the draft EJ policies”) for the updated General Plan. The draft EJ policies were developed from numerous sources, but the most important input was received from residents and advocates at the 19 ECC2040 community meetings held in DACs; 2 countywide collaborations on environmental justice, community health, and sustainability; 4 CAP workshops; and Sustainability Commission meeting of August 24.

Staff requests the Sustainability Committee’s feedback and direction on the draft EJ policies contained in the attached memorandum from PlaceWorks dated September 23, 2020. In particular, staff seeks the Committee’s direction on the following topics:
  • Goal EJ-G Equitable Public Facilities and Services
    • Prioritize investments and expenditures in disadvantaged communities. (Policy G.1)
    • Review needs and services in each DAC as part of the annual budgeting process. (Action G.1)
SB 1000 requires priority investment in DACs, which theoretically should accelerate infrastructure projects (both built and green infrastructure) and service improvements in these areas. Should this be institutionalized by integration into the County’s annual budget development process as indicated by Action G.1, or through another mechanism?
  • Goal EJ-A Equitable Social and Economic Advantages
    • Allow impacts to DACs in exchange for community benefits. (Policies A.2 and A.3, Action A.2)
    • Phase out fossil fuel industries. (Policy A.4, Action A.1)
A fundamental unresolved question is whether the County should permit projects that result in additional environmental impacts in DACs if said projects also include community benefits? For example, should a distribution center be permitted if it will further degrade air quality, but also employ local residents?
Another fundamental question relates to the phase out of fossil fuel industries. What does phase out mean from a General Plan perspective, and how active or passive is the County’s role?
  • Goal EJ-D Equitable Jobs and Economic Stability
    • First-source hiring program. (Action D.1)
    • Support job training and recruitment. (Action D.2)
What will be the County’s level of involvement in programs related to local hiring, job training, and just transition?
  • EJ-A Public Bank
    • Feasibility of creating, participating in, or attracting a public bank. (Action A.5)
Should the County explore some level of involvement in a public bank as a means of injecting capital into DACs?
  • EJ-C Safe and Sanitary Homes
    • No net loss of affordable housing. (Policy C.1)
    • Rent control and just cause for eviction ordinance. (Action C.1)
Senate Bill 330 currently includes a no net loss provision related to affordable housing, and a requirement that new developments replace affordable units 1:1, but these provisions are scheduled to sunset in 2025. Should such provisions be made permanent in the County General Plan? Also, should the County adopt rent control and just cause for eviction ordinances?

Staff will revise the draft EJ policies based on the Sustainability Committee’s feedback and direction. Staff notes that there is significant overlap and interaction between certain draft EJ policies and the goals and strategies outlined in the draft CAP. Both documents will be further refined as the ECC2040 process continues.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECEIVE update and PROVIDE DIRECTION on draft environmental justice goals, policies, and actions for the updated County General Plan.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
Draft Environmental Justice Policies for General Plan Update
Presentation re Draft Environmental Justice Policies for General Plan Update

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