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September 23, 2019
Supervisor John Gioia, Chair
Supervisor Federal D. Glover, Vice Chair

1. Introductions
2. Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda (speakers may be limited to three minutes).

There was no public comment.

3. Staff recommends approval of the attached Record of Action for the August 1, 2019, meeting of the Sustainability Committee.
  The Record of Action from the August 1 meeting was approved unanimously.
  08-01-19 Sustainability Committee Minutes
4. INTERVIEW applicants for the At-Large, Environmental Justice Seat #2 on the Contra Costa County Sustainability Commission.

The Committee interviewed three applicants for the At-Large, Environmental Justice seat #2: Sarah Foster, LaMar Harrison, and Renee Fernandez-Lipp.

  Sustainability Commission Membership Roster
  Summary of Applicants
  Solicitation Notice
5. RECEIVE UPDATE on options for bringing more electric vehicles into the County fleet and PROVIDE DIRECTION as appropriate
  Joe Yee, Deputy Director, Public Works, reported that Public Works provided the County Administrator's Office (CAO) with an estimate on installing more electric vehicle (EV) chargers at County facilities  Public Works has identified 18 County building sties for installation of 92 charging stations, with an equipment hookup cost estimate of $1.2 million. That does not include panel upgrades, trenching, and conduit.  Public Works would like to place the EV chargers at facilities where the County has already installed or will be installing solar energy.  Public Works is having conduit installed as solar is installed, to lessne the cost of future EV charger deployment. Public Works made an initial request of $250,000 for planning; after consultation with the CAO's office, they are moving forward with direct installation where possible.

The Committee asked staff to make final the changes to the Administrative Bulletins on fleet to reflect greater reliance on EVs, and report back at the next meeting. The Committee also inquired about the status of County adoption of streamlined EV charger permitting pursuant AB 1236, and a Ride and Drive event with EVs for County employees.
6. RECEIVE PRESENTATION on status of Climate Action Plan update and PROVIDE DIRECTION as appropriate

Jody London, County Sustainability Coordinator, reviewed the draft goals for the Climate Action Plan that were recommended by the Sustainability Commission and are being presented in draft form at ongoing community meetings.  The Committee directed staff to name equity and environmental justice as a goal for the Climate Action Plan. The Committee discussed how to reflect economic benefits for Contra Costa County in an economy that relies less of carbon-based fuels.  Supervisor Glover observed these environmental and economic benefits could be part of the marketing strategy for the Northern Waterfront Economic Development Initiative.

  CAP Community Meetings Announcement
7. CONSIDER next steps regarding implementation of the Adapting to Rising Tides studies
  Jody London, County Sustainability Coordinator, provided an overview of the report prepared by students from the UC Berkeley Goldman School of Public Policy on recommendations for governance and implementation of the Adapting to Rising Tides studies. Supervisor Gioia noted the question of governance and implementation can be discussed at the Bay Conservation and Development Commission. The Committee expressed interest in considering together the study for West County, which was completed in 2016, and the study for East County, which is ongoing. The Committee directed staff to bring this issue back when the study for East County is complete.

Supervisor Gioia reported that in West County, the community is looking at the recommendation from the Resilient by Design project to develop a horizontal levee and increase wetlands in North Richmond.  They are bringing together waterfront property owners, and will pursue Measure AA funds for a planning grant. The County also is pursuing Measure AA for Lower Walnut Creek.
  Presentation on ART process and Goldman School report
  Goldman School Report on Implementing the ART Studies
8. RECEIVE report from Sustainability Commission Chair.
  Howdy Goudey, Sustainability Commission Chair, reported that the August meeting of the Sustainability Commission included a lot of content for the Climate Action Plan. The Commission received an update on carbon-neutral building materials, and reviewed the proposed polystyrene ordinance.  The Commission recommended an environmental justice assessment tool for use in the General Plan update. The Committee asked staff to bring to its next meeting a recommendation to include an environmental justice seat on the County's Hazardous Materials Commission.
  Environmental Justice Assessment Tool
9. RECEIVE REPORT from County Sustainability Coordinator.
  Jody London, Sustainability Coordinator, provided an overview of the written report included with the agenda. Demian Hardman, Senior Energy Planner, elaborated on the announcement by PG&E that it will no longer fund the East Bay Energy Watch (EBEW) after June 30, 2020.  Since the Energy Watch started in 2006, the County has received close to $1 million for energy-related projects in the cities and unincorporated County, including municipal facilities.  The program until the call for funding for the 2020-2021 fiscal year allowed local government staff to determine how to allocated funds.  The EBEW proposal for next year was not selected to move forward.  For the County, this means a loss of about $40,000 in direct contract funds.  Staff is hopeful this can be backfilled through the Bay Area Regional Energy Network. For cities, the loss of EBEW may have a bigger impact and will make it more difficult for them to support energy efficiency programs sponsored by PG&E.

The Committee discussed opportunities to move homes to all-electric appliances.  Hardman explained that the regulatory rules have recently changed to consider fuel switching.  He noted that contractors are not familiar with these technologies, and that there can be issues with obtaining building permits. The Committee asked for a report on building electrification at its next meeting, including how this can benefit existing homeowners.
10. DISCUSS and RECOMMEND to the Board of Supervisors a candidate for the At-Large, Environmental Justice, Seat #2 on the Contra Costa County Sustainability Commission.


The Committee moved to appoint Sarah Foster to the At-Large, Environmental Justice, Seat #2.  The Committee expressed its interest in finding ways to keep other applicants for that seat involved in County sustainability work.

11. The next meeting is currently scheduled for December 9, 2019, 9:00 A.M. in Room 101, 651 Pine Street, Martinez.
12. Adjourn


For Additional Information Contact:

Jody London, Sustainability Coordinator
Phone (925) 674-7871

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