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C. 40
To: Board of Supervisors
From: John Kopchik, Director, Conservation & Development Department
Date: August  10, 2021
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA
Subject: General Plan Amendment Authorization for Classic Boat Works


Action of Board On:   08/10/2021
Clerks Notes:


John Gioia, District I Supervisor
Candace Andersen, District II Supervisor
Diane Burgis, District III Supervisor
Karen Mitchoff, District IV Supervisor
Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
Contact: Daniel Barrios (925) 655-2901
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     August  10, 2021
Monica Nino, County Administrator
BY: , Deputy



1. AUTHORIZE initiation of a General Plan Amendment (GPA) process to consider changing the General Plan land use designation from Public and Semi-Public (PS) to Commercial (CO) for a 27,748 square-foot (0.64-acre) parcel located at 1535 Discovery Bay Boulevard in Discovery Bay, Assessor's Parcel Number 008-200-010. (County File #GP21-0001)   

2. ACKNOWLEDGE that granting this authorization does not imply any sort of endorsement for the application to amend the General Plan, but only that the matter is appropriate for consideration.  


None. If the authorization is granted, the project applicant will pay application fees to cover the cost of processing the GPA.


On May 20, 2021, the Department of Conservation and Development received a letter from Mr. Kenneth Luke, owner of Classic Boat Works, requesting a GPA to change the land use designation of the subject

site from PS to CO for the purpose of opening a boat repair business (see Attachment A). The subject site is zoned Planned Unit District (P-1). Attachment B illustrates the existing and proposed General Plan designations, while Attachment C illustrates the zoning.  
The subject property was previously Fire Station #58 owned and operated by the East Contra Costa Fire Protection District. The current owner/applicant purchased the property at auction following the station's closure. The property is occupied by the decommissioned fire station building and paved parking areas. To the north are a small office building and single-family homes, designated CO and Single-Family Residential Medium-Density, respectively. Across Discovery Bay Boulevard to the west is Discovery Bay Shopping Centre, also designated CO. To the south and east are the Town of Discovery Bay Community Center and Community Services District offices. This area is also designated PS. Attachment D is an aerial photo of the site and its surroundings.  
The applicant is interested in establishing a boat repair business at the subject site to serve the water-oriented Discovery Bay community. The facility would be a second location for their existing business in Brentwood. The building’s current configuration lends itself to this use because the large fire engine bays allow for easy ingress/egress of boats and provide ample working space. While changing the land use designation to CO would allow up to 27,748 square feet of potential development, the applicant has indicated that the property would not be altered except for installation of a side yard fence. The parking areas would be used for storing boats awaiting service.  
The proposed CO land use designation would generally be consistent and compatible with the other non-residential designations in the area. Staff does not foresee negative impacts associated with reuse of the building itself; however, similar to auto repair, boat repair is a use that can negatively impact nearby sensitive uses (e.g., homes), primarily because of potential noise and fumes. The proposed outdoor boat storage could result in aesthetic impacts if the boats are improperly screened, and on Discovery Bay Boulevard there could be traffic movement conflicts associated with trucks towing boat trailers. Because the project requires discretionary approvals, its potential environmental effects would be evaluated and any necessary mitigation measures would be identified, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. As boat repair is an essential service for a water-oriented recreational community, and potential impacts are likely mitigatable, staff recommends Board authorization to proceed with the GPA process.  
Staff emphasizes that authorization to proceed with the GPA process does not imply the Board's support or endorsement for the application to amend the General Plan, but only that this matter is appropriate for further consideration. The applicant should be aware that the GPA application may be administratively closed if the remaining application materials have not been submitted within one year of the Board's authorization to proceed.


If the Board decides against authorizing initiation of the GPA process, then an application to amend the General Plan cannot be filed and the subject site will retain its PS land use designation.

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