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C. 17
To: Board of Supervisors
From: Kathy Ito, Human Resources Consultant
Date: August  25, 2015
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA
Subject: Adopt Resolution No. 2015/294 to amend Resolution No. 2009/310 to add Step 2 to WEX Trainee Classification


Action of Board On:   08/25/2015
Clerks Notes:


John Gioia, District I Supervisor
Candace Andersen, District II Supervisor
Mary N. Piepho, District III Supervisor
Karen Mitchoff, District IV Supervisor
Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
Contact: Otilia Parra (925) 335-1724
cc: EHSD     Human Resources     Human Resources    
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     August  25, 2015
David Twa,
BY: , Deputy



ADOPT Resolution No. 2015/294, which amends and supersedes Resolution Nos. 2009/310, 2009/380, 2014/227 and 2014/376 to: 1) Add a second salary step, at $12.00 per hour, to the salary schedule of the WEX Trainee (XSK2) (unrepresented) classification for participants in the CalWORKS specialized training programs and Workforce Investment Act (WIA) trainees in the Workforce Development Board and Workforce Services Bureau in the Employment and Human Services Department effective July 1, 2015; 2) remove "sick leave" from the list of benefits that individuals in the WEX Trainee and Title V Trainee classifications are not entitled to receive, as previously stated in Resolution No. 2014/376, due to the implementation of AB1522, the "Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act", which became effective July 1, 2015; and 3) revise other outdated language in previous resolutions.  


Upon approval, the cost of this action will be absorbed by the Employment and Human Services Department (100% federally funded.)


As part of their strategic planning, the Workforce Development Board (WDB) conducts in-depth labor market analysis to identify priority workforce development sectors that target high-growth, high-wage industries. Based on recent findings, the WDB of Contra Costa County has identified the following as priority sectors: 1) Healthcare and Life Sciences; 2) Advanced Manufacturing; 3) Information Communication Technology; 4) Energy; 5) Construction. A medical assistant career training and internship opportunity, which is aligned with the Healthcare and Life Sciences priority sector, has been identified to meet the strategic goals of the WDB.  
This WDB program will include ten weeks of comprehensive medical assistant and medical receptionist career training services to a combination of CalWORKs and Workforce Investment Act (WIA) eligible and enrolled participants as provided by Jewish Vocational and Career Counseling Services, and a twelve week internship placement at a John Muir Health location. The medical assistant career training and internship program will require higher level skills training for positions in this particular priority industry sectors, as compared with how WEX Trainee positions are used in other sectors. Therefore, due to the specialized training, skilled work experience, and job duties that participants will be expected to perform during the internship phase of this program, a second salary step at $12.00 an hour is requested for the WEX Trainee classification. Amending the WEX Trainee classification by adding a Step 2 at $12.00 per hour will allow for the differentiation between entry level and more highly skilled work experience opportunities, and will appropriately compensate participants who have completed the specialized training and are performing higher level duties during their internship phase.  
Throughout the development of this training program the various options around the employer of record were discussed. Given that the county has served in this capacity for WEX trainee positions it was determined that this responsibility was within the scope of current practice. The WDB receives 100% reimbursement from grants for the salaries of these trainees.  


If the request is not approved, WEX trainees will not be compensated appropriately for the higher skilled work to be performed during their internship placements as Medical Assistants and Medical Receptionists. In addition, not approving department's request to add Step 2 to the WEX Trainee classification may jeopardize future training programs in priority industry sectors.


The higher skilled level training programs in priority industry sectors support three of the five community outcomes established in the Children's Report Card: Families that are Economically Self Sufficient, Families that are Safe, Stable and Nurturing, and Communities that are Safe and provide a High Quality of Life for Children and Families.

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