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Meeting Date: 07/09/2020  
Subject:    COVID-19 Recovery Road Map: Continuing Discussion of Provisions of June 16th Local Health Order and Timeline for Reopening
Submitted For: David Twa
Department: County Administrator  
Referral No.:  
Referral Name:
Presenter: Contact:

Referral History:
Although the Board of Supervisors has authority over County issues, under State law, when an emergency of this nature is declared and there is a pandemic of this magnitude, the Health Officer of each County has the legal authority to impose whatever orders she or he deem necessary to protect the public.

On Tuesday, April 21, the Board of Supervisors formed this ad hoc committee to advise the Health Department on COVID19 impacts. The goal of the committee is to work toward having a sustainable COVID-19 mitigation and recovery plan. The committee will be working with the community and industry on issues of concern, advising the Board of Supervisors and the Health Officer on possible ways to interpret and apply Health Orders so they will continue to keep the community safe, but allow more businesses to re-open and provide common-sense applications to outdoor activities.

The Committee has so far conducted nine public meetings on May 7, 14, 21 and 28; June 4, 11, 18, and 25; and July 2, 2020, covering recreation and lifestyle services, in-home and other personal services, small businesses, religious gatherings, and next steps and criteria for moving fully into Stage 2 and then into Stage 3. A record of those meetings is posted on the County website at this link. The committee plans to continue meeting weekly, taking up issues related to different business/community sectors at each meeting. The Committee previously identified eight sectors to focus on over the course of the next several meetings:
  1. Faith organizations
  2. Recreation and Lifestyle
  3. Restaurant
  4. In-home and other personal services
  5. RV/Park
  6. Small businesses
  7. Thrift sales & collection
  8. Furniture

The Committee and the Health Officer also discuss updates to the State and County Health Orders and projected timeline for reopening business and community activities and answer questions received each week via the Supervisors' offices.
Referral Update:
With COVID-19 spreading rapidly in many Bay Area neighborhoods, health officials across the region urge residents to protect themselves and the community by celebrating from home this holiday weekend.

The Fourth of July is traditionally a time for firework displays, cookouts and parades, but this year the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many communities to cancel public events. Gatherings with others from outside your household, such as members of the extended family, are potentially risky.

Health officers from across the greater Bay Area say staying home this year is a healthy choice.

“Nobody wants to be cooped up, or to miss out on the holiday,” said Dr. Chris Farnitano, Contra Costa County Health Officer. “But the more we come together in groups, the more COVID-19 spreads in the community. And the more it spreads, the more it endangers older adults and others at high risk of serious illness.”

You can spread COVID-19 even if you don’t feel that sick. You can pass the disease to someone else before you have symptoms, and even if you never develop any symptoms at all. When infected people come in contact with others who are high-risk, there can be deadly consequences.

That is why Bay Area health officers recommend people who are not members of the same household remain physically distant. The best ways to protect yourself and slow the spread of COVID-19 include:

•Continuing to stay home as much as possible
•Practicing physical distancing outside the home
•Wearing face coverings or masks when outside your home
•Avoiding gatherings with people outside your immediate household
•Washing your hands thoroughly and frequently
•Staying home from work, school or daycare if you feel sick

All Bay Area residents are also encouraged to get tested for COVID-19, and to do so immediately if they have symptoms. Check with your local health department for more information about testing and about efforts in your community to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information, please visit to read the latest health order and its appendices, and for local information about Contra Costa's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here is a link to the updated FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions): FAQs

Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
DISCUSS the June 16 Health Order and any subsequent updates to the timeline for future resumption of business and community activities.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
No fiscal impact. The Committee's meetings facilitate the exchange of information and ideas.
Press Release Update_Contra Costa to Postpone COVID-19 Reopening Timeline 6-29-2020
Updated Road to Recovery 6-29-2020
Openings at a Glance 6-29-2020
Updates to Health Order 6-16-2020
Contra Costa Receives State Variance for More Local Control
CA Facial Coverings Guidance
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Public Comment_Warren Lautz_7-8-2020
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