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  July 22, 2019
10:30 A.M.
651 Pine Street, Room 101, Martinez

Supervisor Diane Burgis, Chair
Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, Vice Chair
Agenda Items: Items may be taken out of order based on the business of the day and preference of the Committee
1. Introductions
  Chair Burgis opened the meeting.  Vice Chair Mitchoff arrived shortly after.  The County's federal advocate, Paul Schlesinger of Alcalde & Fay, was on the conference call line and introduced himself.
2. Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda (speakers may be limited to three minutes).
  No public comment was received by the Committee.
3. APPROVE the Record of Action with any necessary corrections.
  The Committee approved the draft Record of Action for the May 13, 2019 meeting as prepared.
AYE: Chair Diane Burgis, Vice Chair Karen Mitchoff
  Attachment A
  Attachment C: Senior Advocacy
  Attachment B: Sign-In Sheet
4. PROVIDE a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors at its meeting on July 30, 2019 as to how to respond to the Nossaman LLP letters to the County dated June 26, 2019 and July 8, 2019. 

The options the Legislation Committee may want to consider as its recommendation to the Board of Supervisors include the following:

1.  DIRECT staff to continue negotiations of the contract with Nossaman LLP; decline to execute the requested acknowledgement; and incorporate language into the contract to the effect that:
  • the County is not currently waiving any future conflicts; and
  • Nossaman LLP is required to disclose to the County if the firm agrees to represent any client in a matter that is adverse to the County, even if the firm is not otherwise required to disclose the matter to the County; and
  • provides the County with the option to terminate the contract based on the new information.
2.  DIRECT staff to discontinue negotiations of the contract.
  The Committee received a "Draft Ethical Wall" from Nossaman LLP representative Ashley Walker, who addressed the Committee regarding the matter of a potential conflict of interest regarding the Delta/water advocacy proposed by the firm.  The Committee considered the staff report and advice from County Counsel.  The Committee directed staff to send this matter to the Board of Supervisors for action with a recommendation from the Committee to rescind authority for a contract for state legislative advocacy services with Nossaman LLP. 
AYE: Chair Diane Burgis, Vice Chair Karen Mitchoff
  Attachment A--Board Order
  Attachment B
  Attachment C
5. Provide direction to staff on performance measures to be included in contracts with the County's federal and state legislative advocates.
  The Committee discussed the matter of contract performance measures with the County's federal advocate, Mr. Paul Schlesinger of Alcalde & Fay, on the conference line.  The Committee requested that staff develop training for County staff to understand access to the County's advocates.  The Committee also directed staff to obtain input from key staff on legislative priorities for 2020, suggesting a video conference meeting.  The Committee requested advocacy tools such as the development of an Action Plan with a flow chart that could identify advocacy partners, advocacy actions, and results.  The Committee requested that quarterly reports be included in the contract deliverables.
AYE: Chair Diane Burgis, Vice Chair Karen Mitchoff
  Attachment A
6. ACCEPT the oral report from Dr. Walker and provide direction to staff, as needed.
  Dr. William Walker briefed the Committee on the potential impacts of reduced Disproportionate Share Hospital Funding and the County's lobbying efforts to postpone or eliminate the proposed cuts. Dr. Walker also discussed advocacy efforts on the State side, concerned about impacts of 340B drug pricing reductions and passing savings on for hospitals and safety net providers.  The state's Section 1115 Medi-Cal Waiver ends next year, and Dr. Walker is participating on two task forces related to the waiver to bring physical and behavioral health matters together in the process.  The Committee received the report, asked pertinent questions, and thanked Dr. Walker for his advocacy efforts.
AYE: Chair Diane Burgis, Vice Chair Karen Mitchoff
7. ACCEPT the report from the Urban Counties of California (UCC) on legislation of interest to counties and the status of the State Budget, and provide direction to staff.
  The Committee received the report.
AYE: Chair Diane Burgis, Vice Chair Karen Mitchoff
8. 1. RECOMMEND to the Board of Supervisors a position of "Support" for ACA 6 (McCarty) on their July 30, 2019 consent agenda. 

2. DIRECT staff to include in the 2020 Draft State Legislative Platform a policy to support the restoration of the right to vote to individuals upon completion of incarceration. Restricting those with felony convictions from voting does nothing to improve the safety of neighborhoods. Restoring the right to vote would help educate and prepare these individuals for full community reentry. Registering to vote and casting a ballot would engage their responsibilities as citizens, ultimately resulting in stronger, safer communities.
  The Committee directed staff to request input from the County's justice system partners before proceeding.
  Attachment A--ACA 6 Bill Text
9. The next meeting is currently scheduled for September 9, 2019.  (The August 12, 2019 meeting will be cancelled.)
10. Adjourn
  The meeting was adjourned to the September 9, 2019 meeting.
AYE: Chair Diane Burgis, Vice Chair Karen Mitchoff

The Legislation Committee will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend Legislation Committee meetings. Contact the staff person listed below at least 72 hours before the meeting.
Any disclosable public records related to an open session item on a regular meeting agenda and distributed by the County to a majority of members of the Legislation Committee less than 96 hours prior to that meeting are available for public inspection at 651 Pine Street, 10th floor, during normal business hours.
Public comment may be submitted via electronic mail on agenda items at least one full work day prior to the published meeting time.

For Additional Information Contact:

Lara DeLaney, Committee Staff
Phone (925) 335-1097, Fax (925) 646-1353

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