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To: Board of Supervisors
From: David Twa, County Administrator
Date: July  9, 2019
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA


Action of Board On:   07/09/2019
Clerks Notes:


Candace Andersen, District II Supervisor
Diane Burgis, District III Supervisor
Karen Mitchoff, District IV Supervisor
Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
John Gioia, District I Supervisor
Contact: Julie DiMaggio Enea (925) 335-1077
cc: County Librarian     CAO-Muni Svcs    
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     July  9, 2019
David Twa,
BY: , Deputy



ADOPT report as the Board of Supervisors' response to Civil Grand Jury Report No. 1903, entitled "Safeguarding the Library's Local History Collection”, and DIRECT the Clerk of the Board to transmit the Board's response to the Superior Court no later than July 23, 2019.


No fiscal impact.


The 2018/19 Civil Grand Jury filed the above-referenced report, attached, on April 18, 2019, which was reviewed by the Board of Supervisors and subsequently referred to the County Librarian and County Administrator, who prepared the attached response that clearly specifies:

  1. Whether the finding or recommendation is accepted or will be implemented;

  • If a recommendation is accepted, a statement as to who will be responsible for implementation and a definite target date;
  • A delineation of the constraints if a recommendation is accepted but cannot be implemented within a six-month period; and
  • The reason for not accepting or adopting a finding or recommendation.
  • The California Penal Code specifies that the Board of Supervisors must forward its response to the Superior Court no later than July 23, 2019 (90 days from receipt).  
    F1. The Library is transitioning from a traditional storehouse for books into a technology center, literacy advocate, and community gathering place.  
    F1 Response. The respondent agrees with the finding.
    F2. The Pleasant Hill branch is closing in late September 2019 to make way for a new branch which is scheduled to open in the Spring of 2021.  
    F2 Response. The respondent agrees with the finding. At the time of the report the dates were correct. However, dates for the proposed relocation of the Pleasant Hill Library and opening of the new library have been delayed. New dates are yet to be determined.   
    F3. The new branch will not be able to house the Library’s Contra Costa County history Collection, most of which is currently housed in Pleasant Hill.  
    F3 Response. The respondent agrees with the finding.
    F4. The Library does not have a short-term plan for safeguarding the Collection after the Pleasant Hill branch closes, before a long-term plan can be implemented.  
    F4 Response. The respondent disagrees with the finding. A plan for disposition of the collection was presented in a report to the Contra Costa County Library Commission on March 21, 2019. The report describes all collections in the Pleasant Hill Library and makes recommendations for each collection, both long-term and short-term. The March 21, 2019 Library Commission Agenda and Pleasant Hill Library Collection Assessment and Recommendations report are attached.  
    F5. The Library has not developed a long-term plan for permanently housing the Collection.
    F5 Response. The respondent disagrees with the finding. See response to Finding #4 for explanation.
    F6. The Library has received a grant of professional preservationist services that will provide a basis on which to develop short- and long-term plans for safeguarding and housing the Collection.  
    F6 Response. The respondent agrees with the finding.
    F7. The Contra Costa County Historical Society is a potential repository for the Collection.  
    F7 Response. The respondent agrees with the finding.
    F8. The Contra Costa County Historical Society would like to house the Library’s Collection.  
    F8 Response. The respondent agrees with the finding.
    R1. The Library should consider developing a short-term plan by September 2019 for safeguarding the Collection while a long-term plan is being developed and implemented.  
    R1 Response. The recommendation has been implemented. A plan for disposition of the collection was presented in a report to the Contra Costa County Library Commission on March 21, 2019. The report describes all special collections in the Pleasant Hill Library and makes recommendations for each collection, both long-term and short-term. The March 21, 2019 Library Commission Agenda and Pleasant Hill Library Collection Assessment and Recommendations reports are attached.  
    R2. The Board of Supervisors should consider directing the Library to develop a long-term plan for housing the Collection, including a budget, by June 2020.  
    R2 Response. The recommendation requires further analysis. Placement of the special collection with an outside agency such as the Contra Costa Historical Society would negate the need for such a plan.
    R3. The Board of Supervisors should consider directing the Library to explore the feasibility of an agreement with the Contra Costa County Historical Society for housing the Collection by August 2019.  
    R3 Response. The recommendation requires further analysis. The Contra Costa County Historical Society has expressed interest in the collection. The County Librarian will make recommendations for placement of the collection to the County Administrator by spring 2020.  
    R4. The Board of Supervisors should consider providing the financial resources necessary to fund the budget for the long-term plan in the 2021-2022 fiscal year.  
    R4 Response. The recommendation requires further analysis. The Library budget reflects needs for library services across the entire county. Earmarking funding for one project may have adverse effects on needs in other service areas.   


    Written commentary was provided by Dick Offerman and Nancy Evans (attached).

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