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C. 15
To: Board of Supervisors
From: Julia R. Bueren, Public Works Director/Chief Engineer
Date: July  12, 2016
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA
Subject: AWARD Construction Contract for Improvements for Hemme Station Park, 1193 Danville Boulevard, Alamo.


Action of Board On:   07/12/2016
Clerks Notes:


Candace Andersen, District II Supervisor
Mary N. Piepho, District III Supervisor
Karen Mitchoff, District IV Supervisor
Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
John Gioia, District I Supervisor
Contact: Adele Ho,(510) 815-4043
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     July  12, 2016
David Twa,
BY: , Deputy



1. APPROVE the design, plans, and specifications for the above project.  

2. DETERMINE that the bid submitted by Suarez & Muñoz Construction, Inc., complied with the requirements of the County’s Outreach Program for this project, as provided in the project specifications, and FURTHER DETERMINE that Suarez & Muñoz submitted the lowest responsive and responsible bid for this project.  


3. FURTHER DETERMINE that Suarez & Muñoz, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the above project, has entered into a Project Labor Agreement with the Contra Costa Building and Construction Trades Council to comply with the requirements of the County's Project Labor Agreement policy.  
4. AWARD the construction contract for the above project to Suarez & Muñoz in the amount of $1,098,000 and DIRECT that the Public Works Director, or designee, prepare the contract.  
5. DIRECT that Suarez & Muñoz shall submit two good and sufficient security bonds (performance and payment bonds) in the amount of $1,098,000 each.  
6. ORDER that, after the contractor has signed the contract and returned it, together with the bonds, evidence of insurance, and other required documents, and the Public Works Director has reviewed and found them to be sufficient, the Public Works Director, or designee, is authorized to sign the contract for this Board.  
7. ORDER that, in accordance with the project specifications and upon signature of the contract by the Public Works Director, or designee, any bid bonds posted by the bidders are exonerated and any checks or cash submitted for bid security shall be returned.  
8. AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to sign any escrow agreements prepared for this project to permit the direct payment of retentions into escrow or the substitution of securities for moneys withheld by the County to ensure performance under the contract, pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300.  
9. AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to order changes or additions to the work pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20142.  
10. DELEGATE, pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4114, to the Public Works Director, or designee, the Board’s functions under Public Contract Code Sections 4107 and 4110.  


100% County Service Area R-7A.


The project consists of construction of a new neighborhood park on a currently vacant County-owned lot at the corner of Danville Boulevard and Hemme Avenue. This property adjacent to the Iron Horse Trail was identified as a future park site by the Alamo community as early as 2008, and the County acquired the property in 2014. A public meeting held in September 2014, a Community Survey, and subsequent meetings of the Alamo Municipal Advisory Council from 2014 through 2016 have gathered public input and led to the completion of a design by the County’s landscape architect consultant (Stantec).   
The design is for a respite park for travelers on the Iron Horse Trail and for the local community. It includes restrooms, drinking fountains and water station, bike racks, benches, shade structure with picnic tables, trash and recycling cans, pet waste disposal station, decomposed granite walking path, a central turf area, and associated landscaping. A tot lot play area and interpretive elements related to the area history and trains are also included. The park will be enclosed with split rail and solid fencing. The facilities will be accessible, per American with Disabilities Act guidelines. Access for park users will via a paved connector to the Iron Horse Trail.   
The consultant’s construction cost estimate is $946,550. General prevailing wage rates will be the minimum rates paid on this project. Bids were received and opened by the Public Works Department on June 16, 2016, and the bid results are as follows:  
Suarez & Muñoz Construction, Inc., Hayward   
Although this single bid is 16% higher than the consultants construction cost estimate of $946,550, it is reasonable considering the current bidding environment, and there is sufficient funding in the current project budget to cover the currently estimated total construction costs. Furthermore, re-bidding the project may not result in significantly lower bids and will result in a delay of construction into the rainy season. Staff has determined that Suarez & Muñoz 's bid is responsive and responsible, and that their good faith effort documentation complies with the County's Outreach Program. Staff recommends that the bid be awarded to Suarez & Muñoz in the amount of $1,098,000.   


Failure to award the contract will require that the project be either re-advertised for bids, or postponed. Re-advertising for bids may or may not result in a lower cost, but will result in a delay of approximately 3 months to the project, with construction during the rainy season and 2017 completion.

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