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Meeting Date: 06/11/2020  
Subject:    COVID-19 Recovery Road Map: Discussion of Provisions of New Local Health Order and Timeline for Reopening
Submitted For: David Twa
Department: County Administrator  
Referral No.:  
Referral Name:
Presenter: Contact:

Referral History:
Although the Board of Supervisors has authority over County issues, under State law, when an emergency of this nature is declared and there is a pandemic of this magnitude, the Health Officer of each County has the legal authority to impose whatever orders she or he deem necessary to protect the public.

On Tuesday, April 21, the Board of Supervisors formed this ad hoc committee to advise the Health Department on COVID19 impacts. The goal of the committee is to work toward having a sustainable COVID-19 mitigation and recovery plan. The committee will be working with the community and industry on issues of concern, advising the Board of Supervisors and the Health Officer on possible ways to interpret and apply Health Orders so they will continue to keep the community safe, but allow more businesses to re-open and provide common-sense applications to outdoor activities.

The Committee has so far conducted fiver public meetings on May 7, 14, 21 and 28, and June 4, 2020 covering recreation and lifestyle services, in-home and other personal services, small businesses, religious gatherings, and next steps and criteria for moving fully into Stage 2 and then into Stage 3.. A record of those meetings is posted on the County website at this link. The committee plans to continue meeting weekly, taking up issues related to different business/community sectors at each meeting. The Committee previously identified eight sectors to focus on over the course of the next several meetings:
  1. Faith organizations
  2. Recreation and Lifestyle
  3. Restaurant
  4. In-home and other personal services
  5. RV/Park
  6. Small businesses
  7. Thrift sales & collection
  8. Furniture
Referral Update:

The County Health Officer issued an updated Health Order on June 5, 2020. Pursuant to the new health order, Contra Costa County residents may again enjoy outdoor swimming pools, outdoor seating at restaurants and dog parks. The order also allows for outdoor religious services of up to 100 people, indoor religious services of up to 12 people, use of outdoor picnic and barbecue spaces, and overnight camping for people belonging to the same household.

Because of the progress made in the fight against COVID-19, Contra Costa health officers feel confident opening additional businesses and activities. The State of California has determined that while counties can move slower than state in reopening, they cannot move more quickly. The openings announced today bring Contra Costa County in closer alignment to state guidelines. It also aligns with other Bay Area counties taking similar steps.

This order follows a modification earlier this week that allowed offices and many retail businesses to reopen and created guidance for small gatherings including people from different households.

Previous health orders requiring physical distancing and face coverings in public spaces remain in effect. Contra Costa residents should also continue to emphasize handwashing and other hygiene measures in their daily lives to reduce their risk of becoming infected. The County Health Officer encourages all residents to get tested, even if they feel well, since people can carry and transmit the virus long before having symptoms and sometimes may have no symptoms.

The new order includes guidance for safely conducting the newly permitted activities, including requirements for businesses. The full text of the order is attached. Additional details are available at

Here is a link to the updated FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions): FAQs

Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
DISCUSS the provisions of the June 5 Health Order reducing Shelter in Place restrictions and also the timeline for future resumption of business and community activities.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
No fiscal impact. The Committee's meetings facilitate the exchange of information and ideas.
Updated Health Order 6-5-2020
Contra Costa County's Road Ahead Diagram
Contra Costa Reopenings to Date
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