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C. 19
To: Board of Supervisors
From: David Twa, County Administrator
Date: June  26, 2018
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA
Subject: Claims


Action of Board On:   06/26/2018
Clerks Notes:


John Gioia, District I Supervisor
Candace Andersen, District II Supervisor
Diane Burgis, District III Supervisor
Karen Mitchoff, District IV Supervisor
Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
Contact: Scott Selby 925.335.1400
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     June  26, 2018
David Twa,
BY: , Deputy



DENY claims filed by Kirandeep Anand, Richard Nash, Joanna Pappageorge & Kevin Chapin, Kyle Roach, Linda Thomas, Travelers a/s/o Randy Burton, and Jessica Williams, CSE Ins. Company a subrogee of Bill Ip, Carolyn Gordon, Catherine R. Ivers, Ignacio Magallon, James A. Moore & Angela Diamond, and Samer Nassar. DENY late claims filed by Yekaterina Ramirez and Betty Torres.  
DENY amended claims filed by CSAA Ins., a subrogee of Stefan Utler and Mercury Ins. for Brandon Wu.  


No fiscal impact.


Kirandeep Anand: Property claim for damage to vehicle in undisclosed amount. Claimant alleges a broken security gate at Juvenile Hall allowed a third party to gain access to a parking lot and damaged his car.  
Richard Nash: Personal injury claim for automobile accident in an amount to exceed $25,000. Plaintiff’s father was involved in a motor vehicle accident in Concord causing his death. Claimant alleges the County maintained its roadway in a dangerous condition.  
Joanna Pappageorge and Kevin Chapin: Personal injury claim for automobile accident in undisclosed amount. Claimants allege the car accident in which they were injured was caused by diminished sight lines as a result of the presence of ConFire vehicles on the street.  
Kyle Roach: Claim for emergency surgery on dog in the amount of $7,300. Claimant adopted a dog that required emergency surgery. Claims the County failed to adequately examine the dog.  
Linda Thomas: Property claim for lost clothing in the amount of $75. Claimant alleges her clothing was lost while she was in county jail.  
Travelers a subrogee of Randy Burton: Property claim for damage to vehicle in the amount of $5,826.61. Insurer alleges insured’s car was damaged in motor vehicle accident involving County employee.  
Jessica Williams: Personal injury claim for automobile accident in an amount to exceed $25,000. Plaintiff’s father was involved in a motor vehicle accident in Concord causing his death. Claimant alleges the County maintained its roadway in a dangerous condition.  
CSAA Insurance a subrogee of Stefan Utler: Amended property claim for damage to vehicle in the amount of $1,348.70. Insurer claims its insured’s car was involved in an auto accident with a County employee in Martinez.  
Mercury Insurance for Brandon Wu: Amended property claim for damage to vehicle in the amount of $3,161.76. Insurer claims its insured’s vehicle was damaged by potholes in Byron.  
CSE Insurance Company a subrogee of Bill Ip: Property claim for damage to vehicle in the amount of $3886.75. Insurer claims its insured’s vehicle was damaged in a motor vehicle accident with a County employee.  
Carolyn Gordon: Personal injury claim for bus accident in an amount to be determined. Claimant alleges that she was injured due to the negligence of a Tri Delta Transit driver.  
Catherine R. Ivers: Property claim for damage to vehicle in the amount of $1665.34. Claimant alleges her vehicle was damaged in a motor vehicle accident with a County employee.  
Ignacio Magallon: Property claim for damage to vehicle in the amount of $1396.39. Claimant alleges his vehicle was damaged in a motor vehicle accident with fire truck.  
James A. Moore and Angela Diamond: Property claim and personal injury claim for auto accident in undisclosed amount. Claimants allege they were injured when their car was struck by a suspect fleeing from Sheriff’s deputies in Danville.  
Samer Nassar: Property claim for damage to tire in the amount of $490.69. Claimant alleges his vehicle was damaged in a motor vehicle accident with a County employee.  
Yekaterina Ramirez: Request that Board of Supervisors accept a late claim. Claimant alleges that County employees engaged in misconduct that caused her to lose custody of her daughter.  
Betty Torres: Request that Board of Supervisors accept a late claim. Claimant alleges she was injured when she tripped on a sidewalk outside a County court building.  

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