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C. 50
To: Board of Supervisors
From: Ed Woo, Chief Information Officer
Date: June  6, 2017
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA
Subject: Reclassify Network Administrator I to Network Administrator II


Action of Board On:   06/06/2017
Clerks Notes:


Candace Andersen, District II Supervisor
Diane Burgis, District III Supervisor
Karen Mitchoff, District IV Supervisor
Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
John Gioia, District I Supervisor
Contact: Edward Woo, CIO 925-383-2688
cc: Joanne Buenger    
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     June  6, 2017
David Twa,
BY: , Deputy



ADOPT Position Adjustment Resolution No. 22067 to reclassify one (1) Network Administrator I (LNSA) (represented) position number 77 at salary plan and grade ZA5 1694 ($6,194 - $7,529) and its incumbent to Network Administrator II (LNSB) (represented) at salary plan and grade ZA5 1787 ($6,791 - $8,255) in the Department of Information Technology.


This action would result in a cost to the Department of approximately $15,355 annually, which will be recovered through service fees charged to user departments. The anticipated cost for fiscal year 2016/17 is $1,280.


The incumbent is primarily responsible for providing full range departmental computer administration and services for the local area networks of the County Administrator Office, Clerk of the Board, Auditor-Controller and Human Resources Departments. The incumbent also provides desktop and network backup support for the County Counsel and Animal Services Departments.  

    During the past three years, the incumbent has been assigned with additional work duties that require high level planning with department senior management, using the most current expert skills in information technology, and thinking independently in the performance of these additional areas of responsibility:

    1. Inherited and completed the final test phase of the LaserFiche AK-9 forms submission project for the Human Resources Department. During this project, he worked with Laser Fiche directly on the setup and workflow of the AK-9 forms. He managed access, created documentation for staff and submitting department staff, to use the new Laser Fiche Forms. He also assisted HR management with policies and procedures for the Laser Fiche Scanning, Auditing and Managing of digital files and forms. He supervised 3 HR Laser Fiche auditing staff on back log personnel files and the entire repository audit verification.
    2. Collaborated with HR Management on the 2nd floor remodel, layout and staging of staff. Relocated HR staff computer equipment from 651 Pine to temporary Escobar trailers and back to 651 Pine after the remodeling.
    3. Upgraded and virtualized Auditor-Controller network servers using Microsoft Hyper-V technology. Coordinated with Auditor staff and vendors’ field service personnel to upgrade the ProSystem FX for the County’s CAFR annual financial reporting system. Implemented LaserFiche document management system to adapt new template and scanning process for the AP Contracts division to digitize all vendor paper contracts. Assisted the Auditor with implanting new policies on data access via USB drives. Established standards for group shared data file and folder naming conventions.
    4. Teamed up with Auditor-Controller and Swinerton Management and Consulting Company in planning for multi-phases remodeling of the 625 Court Finance Building including building maintenance, power outages and remodel schedule. Configured temporary work spaces and relocated PC computers for each business unit while their work areas were remodeled. So far this has been a long and complex collaboration that required extensive planning and flawless execution to keep the Auditor’s business going as usual without issues with information technology.
    5. Interfaced with vendors’ sales and field services personnel to coordinate product license, testing, planning and installation, normal periodic maintenance, and equipment repairs for departments’ network computers, servers, printers, software, and large scale systems such as Laser Fiche document management systems for the Auditor, HRD and Clerk of the Board.
    6. Provided training and backup support to DoIT Network Services team members when urgent IT services are needed including how to recover failed Windows 2012-R2 servers, restore damaged disk storage array from cloud based disk backup system, troubleshoot and reconfigure the county Active Directory Group Policy, and recover departmental virtual environment of servers.

    Based on the preponderance of duties and responsibilities assigned to the position, the Human Resources Department recommends reclassification without examination to Network Administrator II (LNSB).


    If this action is not approved, the incumbent will not be properly compensated for the work being performed. Additionally, duties and tasks that are essential to the departments being serviced will have to be reassigned to avoid potential grievances regarding employees working out of class. Removal of these specialized tasks from this position would impede the daily functions of the departments served.

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