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To: Board of Supervisors
Date: June  16, 2015
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA
Subject: Development of a Transportation Expenditure Plan


Action of Board On:   06/16/2015
Clerks Notes:


John Gioia, District I Supervisor
Candace Andersen, District II Supervisor
Mary N. Piepho, District III Supervisor
Karen Mitchoff, District IV Supervisor
Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
Contact: John Cunningham (925) 674-7833
cc: Steve Kowalewski     John Kopchik     Julie Bueren    
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     June  16, 2015
David Twa,
BY: , Deputy



RECEIVE the Transportation, Water and Infrastructure Committee report on the Contra Costa Transportation Authority's effort to develop a Transportation Expenditure Plan for a potential new sales tax measure in November 2016.




This report from the Transportation, Water, and Infrastructure Committee (TWIC) is the first in what will be a series of reports on the Contra Costa Transportation Authority's (CCTA) effort to develop a Transportation Expenditure Plan (TEP). A TEP is a statutorily required component of a transportation sales tax. CCTA’s 2014 Draft Countywide Transportation Plan (CTP) process identified a need for additional revenue. At their March 18, 2015 meeting, the CCTA Board initiated preparations to go to the ballot in November 2016 with a new transportation sales tax.   

Due to the different committee assignments of the Board of Supervisors, TWIC recommended providing the entire Board current information on the subject issue to ensure a common understanding of the status of the TEP process amongst Board members. CCTA has taken a number of recent actions relative to TEP development. Relevant documents are attached and itemized below. Issues of interest to the Board of Supervisors are highlighted.  
Staff will return to the Board of Supervisors in July with specific recommendations for the County to pursue during this process.   
Principles for a new Transportation Expenditure Plan (TEP Principles, attached). The CCTA Board has adopted the following principles, which are intended to guide them in the development of the TEP:  
1. Vision and Goals. Support the vision and goals (1) of the Contra Costa Transportation Authority.   
2. Public Participation. The Contra Costa Transportation Authority will conduct a comprehensive public outreach program to collect input from stakeholders and the communities throughout Contra Costa about the transportation priorities important for our communities.   
3. Accountability. The Contra Costa Transportation Authority will continue its commitment to accountability and transparency.   
4. Consensus Based Planning. The Contra Costa Transportation Authority will seek to develop a Transportation Expenditure Plan that reflects consensus between the Contra Costa Transportation Authority, the public, stakeholders, regional transportation planning committees, cities, towns, Contra Costa County and transit agencies.   
5. Balanced Approach. The Contra Costa Transportation Authority will seek to develop a Transportation Expenditure Plan that provides widespread benefit for all people and areas of Contra Costa, promotes a healthy environment and strong economy, results in a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and per capita vehicle miles traveled, supports transportation for livable communities’ projects, and addresses future demographic and technological change and innovation.   
6. Public Health and Safety. The Contra Costa Transportation Authority will ensure that the Transportation Expenditure Plan promotes a policy that results in the reduction of transportation impacts on the environment and provides complementary public health and safety benefits.   
7. Maintenance of the Existing System. Maintain the existing local roads, bicycle, pedestrian and transit systems in a safe and operable condition.   
8. Use of Local Dollars to Attract Other Funds. The Contra Costa Transportation Authority will continue to identify federal, State and regional funding opportunities that can maximize the amount of overall funds available for transportation projects in Contra Costa.  
9. Commitment to Growth Management and Cooperative Planning. New development should comprehensively address infrastructure improvement needs. The Transportation Expenditure Plan will carry forward Contra Costa’s Growth Management Program and adherence to the Urban Limit Line Policy, as adopted.  
10. Innovation and Technology. Embrace innovation and utilize technology to accelerate and enhance transportation services.  
TEP & CTP Schedule (TEP Schedule and Targets): CCTA has delayed finalizing the CTP in order to respond to issues raised during the comment period. The TEP and CTP schedule are now being conducted in parallel. That schedule is below.
June - November 2015 Work with Expentiture Plan Advisory Committee, (EPAC), Regional Transportation Planning Committees (RTPCs) and other stakeholders to develop a Discussion Draft TEP Evaluate the performance of large projects and programs using MTC’s Performance Targets
November 2015
Authority releases Discussion
Draft TEP for public review
Revise CTP and SEIR to
incorporate Discussion Draft
November - January 2016 Ongoing Outreach / TEP Adjustments Authority releases Discussion Draft TEP for public review
January 2016
CCTA approves Final Draft TEP
for review and approval by cities
and the County
CCTA releases Draft SEIR and Draft CTP for public review
February - April 2016 Ongoing outreach / cities and County approval of Final Draft TEP 45 Day Public Review Period
April 2016
Prepare responses to
comments and prepare final
May 2016 CCTA Certifies Final CTP SEIR, Adopts Final CTP, Adopts Final TEP, and forwards final Expenditure Plan and Ordinance to cities/County for review and approval.
May - June 2016
Cities and County approve final
Expenditure Plan and Ordinance
July 2016
CCTA forwards Final TEP to BOS
for consideration on the Nov
2016 ballot
Publish Final CTP
July - November 2016 Educational Outreach
November 2016 Election Day
5/22/15 Letter from CCTA requesting Candidate Projects and Programs for a TEP: (Call for TEP Candidate Projects, attached): The letter provides funding/revenue targets and a schedule. Comments are due to CCTA by July 24. The County is currently responding to CCTA through the Regional Transportation Planning Committees and communication from the Board of Supervisors.   
TEP Advisory Committees: (TEP Advisory Committees & EPAC, attached) CCTA has a number of standing and special committees that will provide input on the development of the TEP. Those Committees are listed below, as is the membership detail of the Expenditure Plan Advisory Committee (EPAC) which was created to provide special interest input to CCTA on a variety of topics:
  • Ad Hoc CTP/TEP Committee: Supervisor Candace Andersen
  • CTP/TEP Task Force: Jerry Fahy (Public Works) John Cunningham (Conservation and Development)
  • Regional Transportation Planning Committees: (RTPC) Various DCD staff
  • Citizens Advisory Committee: County position is currently vacant
  • Paratransit Coordinating Council: Advisory Council on Agency member: Rita Xavier
  • Bus Transit Coordinating Committee: N/A
  • Technical Coordinating Committee: Jerry Fahy, John Cunningham, Will Nelson (Conservation and Development)
  • Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee: Jamar Stamps (Conservation and Development)
  • Expenditure Plan Advisory Committee: Membership categories are below. Appointments can be seen in the TEP Advisory Committees & EPAC document, attached:
Social Justice
Goods Movement
Public Health
Faith-based Groups
Youth Advocacy
TWIC recommended the following activities to respond to CCTA’s TEP development process:
1) The Board of Supervisors provided substantial input on the development of the Countywide Transportation Plan. Given that the CTP was designed to potentially inform the development of the TEP, staff will continue to pursue the priorities and projects highlighted in the letter (10-21-14 Letter from the Board of Supervisors to CCTA re CTP, attached) in staff committees.   
2) The TEP process will be a standing discussion item at future TWIC meetings.
3) TWIC will make recommendations on bringing additional reports to the Board of Supervisors and any necessary/additional coordination with CCTA.
4) Staff will meet and coordinate with the District Offices similar to the process with the Countywide Transportation Plan.
5) The next report to the Board of Supervisors on this issue is scheduled for July 7, 2015. The next TWIC meeting with either be July 6th or 13th (TBD).



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