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C. 43
To: Board of Supervisors
From: Kathy Gallagher, Employment & Human Services Director
Date: May  18, 2021
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA
Subject: Great Plates Delivered Program Contract Amendment


Action of Board On:   05/18/2021
Clerks Notes:


John Gioia, District I Supervisor
Candace Andersen, District II Supervisor
Diane Burgis, District III Supervisor
Karen Mitchoff, District IV Supervisor
Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
Contact: Kathy Arana (925) 608-4887
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     May  18, 2021
Monica Nino, County Administrator
BY: , Deputy



Approve and Authorize the County Administrator, or designee, to execute contract amendments in an aggregate amount not to exceed $8,086,604.25, to facilitate the preparation and delivery of meals under the State of California Great Plates Delivered Program:  

A. A contract amendment with GDCC LLC to increase the payment limit by $424,912.50 to a new payment limit not to exceed $2,208,869.25 to prepare, provide and deliver a maximum of 225 meals a day to 75 program eligible older adults and extend the term through September 3, 2021 on the condition of additional Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Public Assistance (FEMA) funding being available for additional meal services under the Great Plates Delivered Program.  

B. A contract amendment with Shahram Taheri to increase the payment limit by $410,400 to a new payment limit not to exceed $2,134,080 to prepare, provide and deliver a maximum of 225 meals per day to 75 program eligible older adults and extend the term through September 3, 2021 on the condition of additional Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Public Assistance (FEMA) funding being available for additional meal services under the Great Plates Delivered Program.  
C. A contract amendment with Agave Grill Corporation to increase the payment limit by $445,500 to a new payment limit not to exceed $2,032,800 to prepare, provide and deliver a maximum of 225 meals a day to 75 program eligible older adults and extend the term through September 3, 2021 on the condition of additional Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Public Assistance (FEMA) funding being available for additional meal services under the Great Plates Delivered Program.  
D. A contract amendment with RLW Properties, LLC to increase the payment limit by $442,462.50 to a new payment limit not to exceed $1,710,855 to prepare, provide and deliver a maximum of 225 meals a day to 75 program eligible older adults and extend the term through September 3, 2021 on the condition of additional Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Public Assistance (FEMA) funding being available for additional meal services under the Great Plates Delivered Program.


Expenditures will initially be funded with County General Funds and submitted to the FEMA program for up to 100% Federal reimbursement. Any expenditures not fully reimbursed at 100% Federal FEMA funds will be County funds.


The original four contracts with GDCC LLC, Shahram Taheri, Agave Corporation and RLW Properties, LLC, together with their respective amendments, provide for three nutritious restaurant meals a day for eligible older adults required to shelter in place or self-isolate due to the COVID-19 pandemic, who are not receiving nutrition assistance benefits from other federal or state programs, and who are unable to prepare meals on their behalf. In addition, the Great Plates Delivered Program (Program) provides economic stimulus to local restaurants that are struggling due to COVID-19 mitigation orders. The Program is currently extended until June 5, 2021, and may receive additional extensions and associated funding.  
Approval and Authorization of the contract amendments between the County and GDCC LLC, Shahram Taheri, Agave Corporation and RLW Properties, LLC will authorize the execution of contract amendments that enables Contra Costa County to serve up to 300 vulnerable older adults. Consistent with Program specifications, contractors will be paid an amount not to exceed $66 per person per day during the terms of these contracts and, where authorized and approved, their amendments. The execution of further amendments of the four contracts with GDCC LLC, Shahram Taheri, Agave Corporation and RLW Properties, LLC under this Program will extend the services through September 3, 2021, but will occur only on the condition that FEMA funding becomes available.


The contract amendments will not be executed.  

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