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To: Board of Supervisors
From: John Kopchik, Director, Conservation & Development Department
Date: April  24, 2023
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA
Subject: Authorize submittal of Clean California Local Grant Program application to California Department of Transportation


Action of Board On:   04/24/2023
Clerks Notes:


John Gioia, District I Supervisor
Candace Andersen, District II Supervisor
Diane Burgis, District III Supervisor
Ken Carlson, District IV Supervisor
Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
Contact: Jo-Anmarie Ricasata, 925-655-2913
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     April  24, 2023
Monica Nino, County Administrator
BY: , Deputy



ADOPT Resolution No. 2023/141 approving and authorizing the Public Works Director and Conservation and Development Director, or their designees, to apply for and accept grant funding in an amount not to exceed $1,171,167 from the Clean California Local Grant Program (CCLGP) administered by the California Department of Transportation (CalTrans) to augment programs to address illegal dumping and litter and implement placemaking improvements in Rodeo to beautify areas harmed by dumping and litter.


Staff proposes to submit an application seeking grant funds totaling $1,171,166.67 in Grant Funding. Based on the CCLGP guidelines, Contra Costa County will be required to provide 37.5% Local Match ($702,700.00) of the total project funding ($1,873,866.67). (Local Match Sources: 64% Measure X Funds, 14% Stormwater Utility Assessment SUA-17 Funds, 13% Local Road Funds, and 9% Solid Waste Franchise Fees).


The County often seeks state funding to augment our local funds, stretching local dollars to implement improvements that would not be possible otherwise. The CCLGP is a competitive statewide program created to beautify and clean up local streets and roads, tribal lands, parks, pathways, transit centers and other publics paces. Assembly Bill 149 (Section 16) created the CCLGP in 2021, and was codified under the Streets and Highway Code §91.41 et al. On February 14, 2023, CalTrans announced the Call for Projects for the CCLGP Cycle 2 to local communities to beautify and improve local streets and roads, tribal lands, parks, pathways, and transit centers to clean and enhance public spaces. Through the combination of adding beautification measures and art in public spaces along with the removal of litter and debris, this effort will enhance communities and improve spaces for walking and recreation.  
The intent of the CCLGP is to achieve the following goals:  
1. Reduce the amount of waste and debris within public rights-of-way, pathways, parks, transit centers, and other public spaces.  
2. Enhance, rehabilitate, restore, or install measures to beautify and improve public spaces and mitigate the urban heat island effect.  
3. Enhance public health, cultural connections, and community placemaking by improving public spaces for walking and recreation.  
4. Advance equity for underserved communities.  

Eligible projects must meet the goals of the CCLGP and may include, but not necessarily be limited to:  
* Infrastructure related community litter abatement and beautification projects.  
* Non-infrastructure related community litter abatement events and/or educational programs.  
Applications are due on April 28, 2023.  
The Clean California Grant Project being proposed by staff includes the following non-infrastructure tasks that will be implemented throughout the unincorporated area of the County: abatement of graffiti and abandoned / derelict recreational vehicles and boats, surveillance cameras, free disposal event(s) for disadvantaged communities, signage regarding proper waste collection, prevention and reporting of illegal dumping and grant administration/staff time. The proposed Project also includes the following infrastructure tasks that will be implemented in the Rodeo community: pocket park and trail beautification and trash capture device installation.  


If not approved, the County will not submit the grant application and be unable to obtain state funding for the Project. This would at least delay, if not hinder, the implementation of the Project.

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