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C. 3
To: Board of Supervisors
From: John Kopchik, Director, Conservation & Development Department
Date: April  12, 2016
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA
Subject: Marsh Creek Corridor Multi-Use Trail Concept


Action of Board On:   04/12/2016
Clerks Notes:


John Gioia, District I Supervisor
Candace Andersen, District II Supervisor
Mary N. Piepho, District III Supervisor
Karen Mitchoff, District IV Supervisor
Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
Contact: John Cunningham (925) 674-7833
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     April  12, 2016
David Twa,
BY: , Deputy



APPROVE the following recommendations related to the Marsh Creek Multi-Use Trail concept:  

1) ACCEPT background report from staff of the Departments of Public Works and Conservation and Development on the general concept;  

2) ADOPT Resolution No. 2016/326 supporting exploration of the concept of the Marsh Creek Corridor Multi-Use Trail, and supporting efforts to identify and secure funding for this project;  
3) In collaboration with other proponents of the concept, ADVOCATE for support and funding for the Marsh Creek Corridor Multi-Use Trail, including study and potential implementation, in local, state, and federal transportation, recreation, park, and open space funding efforts and REQUEST consideration of the Marsh Creek Multi-use Trail in the sales tax matter currently under consideration by the Contra Costa Transportation Authority;  
4) DIRECT staff to refine the preliminary budget and develop a scope of work for the feasibility analysis and AUTHORIZE staff to work with other prospective project partners to seek funding opportunities.


The recommended pre-project activities are covered under existing departmental budgets. (100% Dedicated Transportation Funds)


Marsh Creek Road is a major thoroughfare that connects Central County and East County. Currently, a significant number of bicycle trips take place on Marsh Creek Road, in spite of the lack of bicycle paths. Marsh Creek Road within Clayton has an existing Class II bicycle lane(1), which connects to Clayton’s extensive trail network. In East Contra Costa County, the Marsh Creek Trail currently runs from the Big Break Regional Shoreline in Oakley to the southern city limits of Brentwood. The East Bay Regional Park District plans to extend the Marsh Creek Trail from the Brentwood city limits along Marsh Creek Road to the Round Valley Regional Reserve.  
The proposed new multi-use trail would create a new, major non-motorized east-west thoroughfare for expanded commuting and recreational opportunities. It would provide non-motorized access to Downtown Clayton, Diablo View Middle School, Mount Diablo, Round Valley Regional Preserve, and the existing Marsh Creek Trail in Brentwood and Oakley. The purpose of the trail would be to provide a safe, useful and enjoyable transportation corridor for various forms of non-motorized travel, including pedestrian, equestrian and bicycle users (including serious cyclists).The trail is proposed to be sized and designed to encourage and accommodate use by these different user groups.  
Once this trail and adjacent paths are completed, there will be one continuous non-motorized trail from Downtown Concord to Oakley. The trail could possibly be located on the opposite side of the creek from the road, immediately adjacent to the road itself or some distance from the creek or the road in constrained areas. Construction of the trail could be incorporated into, and performed in conjunction with, the Marsh Creek restoration project, as called for in the East Contra Costa County East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Community Conservation Plan (HCP/NCCP), and be constructed in a sensitive manner that reflects the scenic and natural resources of the area.  
A number of agencies and organizations and agencies are proposed to and are considering adoption of a resolution regarding the Marsh Creek Corridor Multi-Use Trail. The East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy, a joint exercise of Powers Authority formed by the Cities of Brentwood, Clayton, Oakley and Pittsburg and the County, has already adopted a resolution of support. In addition to the County, resolutions similar to Resolution No. 2016/326, are proposed to be considered by the City Councils of Brentwood, Clayton and Oakley, by the East Bay Regional Park District and by other prospective partners such as Save Mount Diablo, Friends of Marsh Creek Watershed, Bike East Bay, TRANSPAC and TRANSPLAN.  
The next step to explore the concept of the Marsh Creek Corridor Multi-Use Trail is to secure funding and perform a feasibility study. The goals of this study would be the following:  
• Conduct outreach to the public on the concept;  
• Better define the goals and objectives of the project;  
• Collect data useful to planning for the project, possibly including estimates of usage;  
• Define concept alternatives, including options for alignments, cross-sections, and phasing; and  
• Better define future costs and potential funding sources.  
(1) Caltrans Bicycle Facility Designations: Class I Bikeway (Bike Path) = A path separated from the roadway for non-motorized use,Class II Bikeway (bike lane) = An on-street striped bike lane, Class III Bikeway (Bike Route) = A street appropriate for bike usage but without any particular bike amenities, Class IV Bikeway (Separated Bikeway) = a bike lane that includes some type of separation that may include grade separation, flexible posts, inflexible physical barriers, or on-street parking.   

Preliminary Budget by Task for Feasibility Analysis  
for Marsh Creek Corridor Multi-Use Trail
Phase and Tasks Preliminary Cost Estimate
1) Feasibility Analysis (cost detail by task)
  1. Develop detailed scope of work
  2. Recruit and hire consultant
  3. Define project goals and objectives
  4. Gather and analyze data on setting, opportunities & constraints
  5. Public outreach and involvement
  6. Define concept alternatives (routes, cross-sections etc.)
  7. Prepare and print final feasibility report
$500,000 (total)  
(staff costs)  
(staff costs)  
2) Planning and environmental review approx. $1,500,000
3) Design approx. $3M
4) Right-of-Way Acquisition and Construction approx. $50M
5) Maintenance costs and funding TBD


This project may not proceed without action from the Board of Supervisors who is the current primary project sponsor.

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