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Meeting Date: 04/27/2016  
Subject:    Byron General Plan Amendment Update
Submitted For: Keith Freitas
Department: Airports  
Referral No.:  
Referral Name:
Presenter: Contact: Beth Lee, (925) 681-4200

Referral History:
The Airport Committee, at their September 24, 2012 meeting, directed Airports staff to schedule the use of the Mariposa Community Benefits Fund for the full Board of Supervisor’s consideration.

On December 4, 2012, the Board of Supervisors authorized the Department of Conservation and Development to undertake a General Plan Amendment study for the Byron Airport.

The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors, on December 4, 2012, authorized the use of a portion of the Mariposa Energy Project Community Benefits Fund to perform a General Plan Amendment Study for the Byron Airport

The Byron Airport (Airport) Master Plan, approved in 2005, identified a diversity of aviation and aviation-related land uses for the long term build-out of the Airport. To fully implement the Airport Master Plan, it is necessary to undertake a General Plan Amendment (GPA) process to provide consistency with and allow for the range of contemplated land uses. The GPA will require an environmental analysis of the proposed changes before the amendment can be considered for approval.

This process will be performed by the Department of Conservation and Development working in collaboration with the Airports. The GPA and environmental processes could take up to twenty-four (24) months to complete, depending on findings during the environmental review component. The projected project cost range of $90,000 to $250,000 is contingent on the elements identified during the environmental review. The cost estimate does not include updating the Byron Chapter of the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan, which may be required to be consistent with the GPA.

Staff from the Department of Conservation and Development (DCD staff) prepared a work scope for the Byron Airport General Plan Amendment (GPA) Study and the accompanying Byron Airport, P-1 Planned Unit District Zoning Text Amendment Study which incorporated comments received by Airports staff, the AAC, and Airport Committee.

On April 8, 2015, DCD staff initiated a Request for Proposals for the Byron Airport Development Program and CEQA Analysis. Prospective contractors were given a due date of 4:00 pm on May 8, 2015 to provide proposals.

On July 1, 2015, the Airport Committee had a general discussion of the environmental process responses received, the project cost, and anticipated project schedule.

On August 18, 2015, the Board of Supervisors approved a $180,545 contract between Contra Costa County and Dudek to perform the environmental review process for the Byron Airport General Plan Amendment.
Referral Update:
Not Applicable
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
This is a general discussion of the project and project schedule.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
While the GPA is necessary to provide land use consistency with the approved Airport Master Plan, the GPA and related environmental review processes are not eligible for Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) funding.

The Mariposa Energy Project Community Benefits Fund (Mariposa Community Benefit Fund) was established to enhance and support the Byron Airport. Airports staff reviewed the proposed use of the Mariposa Community Benefit Fund for the Byron Airport with the Airport Committee, Aviation Advisory Committee, East County cities and community groups, and a pilots association. All comments provided on this matter were in support of using a portion of the Mariposa Community Benefit Fund for the Byron Airport GPA. As such, the Board of Supervisors approved use of up to $250,000 of the Mariposa Community Benefit Fund for the Byron Airport GPA.

Any request for additional funding, if necessary, through Mariposa Energy Project Community Benefit Fund, will be brought back to the Airport Committee and Board of Supervisors at a later date.
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