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C. 24
To: Board of Supervisors
From: John Kopchik, Director, Conservation & Development Department
Date: March  1, 2022
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA
Subject: Park Dedication and Park Impact Fee Fund Authorization for Kensington Paths


Action of Board On:   03/01/2022
Clerks Notes:


John Gioia, District I Supervisor
Candace Andersen, District II Supervisor
Diane Burgis, District III Supervisor
Karen Mitchoff, District IV Supervisor
Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
Contact: Kristine Solseng, 925-655-2905
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     March  1, 2022
Monica Nino, County Administrator
BY: , Deputy



AUTHORIZE the Auditor-Controller to transfer $100,000 from Park Dedication/Park Impact Fund Accounts designated for the Kensington area to the Contra Costa County Public Works Department to help finance preliminary studies for the Kensington Pathway improvements in the unincorporated community of Kensington.


No impact to the General Fund. 100% Park Dedication and Park Impact Fees deposited in the Kensington area park accounts will be used to finance the preliminary studies.


Project Description  

The project will provide foundational funding for a thriving pathway network in the Kensington community, thus expanding the use and life of the pathways. The initial work to ensure Kensington has a safe pathway network includes the following preliminary studies and tasks:  
* Preliminary survey and land rights assessment,  
* Construction cost estimates,  
* Financing options to expand the use and life of the pathways,  
* Legal consultation, and  
* Interdepartmental coordination and community outreach.  
Kensington Path Background  
The original Kensington development included a series of pathways that have become an integral part of Kensington community. The pathways consist of approximately 15 individual pathway segments and together provide over three quarters of a mile of pathways in the Kensington community as shown on the attached map. The condition of the paths varies from inaccessible to well maintained.  
While the Kensington paths have been an enduring component of the community’s character, the ownership and responsibility of the paths are uncertain. There is no clear owner of the pathways nor is there a responsible entity to provide ongoing maintenance and improvement. The paths are currently maintained by volunteers. This has resulted in varying degrees of maintenance and improvements over the years.  
Given the importance of the pathways to the community of Kensington, the County has committed to conducting the foundational work required to create a plan for a thriving pathway system. Supervisor Gioia has supported the community’s request to take the first step to preserving and improving the Kensington paths.  
Park Fund Background  
The County imposes fees on residential development to fund park and recreational facilities under both the County's Park Dedication Ordinance and the County's Park Impact Fee Ordinance. Funds from these fees are deposited into accounts associated with the community where the residential development occurs to ensure the funds are directed to park and recreational facilities which serve the residents affected by the development. The following table outlines the Kensington Park Funds Impact fee accounts that will be used for the project. Use of the park fees identified are reasonably related to proposed Kensington Pathway project and are consistent with government code section 66001(a)(3)-(4), because the proposed park improvements will serve the Kensington Community, including the areas from which the proposed expenditures were collected.   
Kensington Accounts Amount Available
PD1000025 $ 41,867.91
PI1000025 $ 65,093.85
Total $ 106,961.76
Applicable General Plan Goals and Policies   
The proposed project implements the following General Plan Park and Recreation Facilities Goals:   
* To develop a sufficient amount of conveniently located, properly designed park and recreational facilities to serve the needs of all residents (9-H)   
* To develop a system of interconnected bicycle, pedestrian, and riding trails and paths suitable for both active recreational use and transportation/circulation (9-I)   
* To promote active and passive recreational enjoyment of the County's physical amenities for the continued health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the County (9-J)   
The proposed project implements the following General Plan Park and Recreation Facilities Policies:   
* A well-balanced distribution of local parks, based on character and density present and planned residential development and future recreational needs, shall be preserved. (9-33)   
Parks Capital Improvement Plan Consistency   
Because the pathways are not owned by the County, they are not yet in the Capital Improvement Plan. The project will determine future ownership and potential inclusion in the Capital Improvement Plan.  
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)   
The project will help provide the necessary information to prepare the required CEQA documentation


If the funds are not authorized, there will not be sufficient funding ensure the Kensington paths remain a viable community asset.

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