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C. 9
To: Board of Supervisors
From: Keith Freitas, Airports Director
Date: February  27, 2018
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA
Subject: Acceptance of Federal Aviation Administration Grant Funding to Design a General Aviation Terminal at Buchanan Field


Action of Board On:   02/27/2018
Clerks Notes:


John Gioia, District I Supervisor
Candace Andersen, District II Supervisor
Diane Burgis, District III Supervisor
Karen Mitchoff, District IV Supervisor
Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
Contact: Beth Lee, (925) 681-4200
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     February  27, 2018
David Twa,
BY: , Deputy



AUTHORIZE the Director of Airports, or designee, to submit an Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grant application to both the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the California Department of Transportation-Division of Aeronautics (Caltrans) for a total of approximately $300,000 and $15,000, respectively, to be used for the design a new general aviation terminal for Buchanan Field, Pacheco area (District IV).  

APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to sign a Statement of Acceptance with the Federal Aviation Administration for grant funds to be used for the design of a new general aviation terminal for Buchanan Field in the total amount of approximately $300,000.  

APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Director of Airports, or designee, to sign an acceptance of funds under the California Aid to Airports Program Grant Agreement-Federal AIP Matching Funds grant program to be used for the design of a general aviation terminal for Buchanan Field Airport in the total amount of approximately $15,000.  


There will be no direct costs to the County’s General Fund. This Board action will authorize (i) submitting grant applications to the FAA and Caltrans and, (ii) accepting the grants. The total cost of the project that is eligible for grants is estimated to be $333,333, of which about 90% (or $300,000.00) will be from the FAA, approximately 4.5% of the FAA grant amount (or $15,000.00) will be from Caltrans, and about 5.5% (or $18,333) will be from the Airport Enterprise Fund. The Airport Enterprise Fund will also fund the remaining estimated project cost of $619,167 (total design cost of $952,500) to design the non-grant eligible project related components (Airports’ administrative office space).  


The Buchanan Field Airport Master Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors on October 28, 2008, identifies a new general aviation terminal (Terminal) on the capital improvement list. The Terminal will replace the existing terminal building at the north end of John Glenn Drive. The Terminal would include space for the Airports Division Administrative staff, Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) staff and equipment, public space to support scheduled/unscheduled air service providers, office space for aviation businesses, and general public meeting space. The Airports Division currently rents office space from one of the airport businesses and moving those functions into the Terminal will allow for expansion, while resulting in a long-term savings to the Airport Enterprise Fund.  
The first critical step in this process is to design the facility in order to refine project costs and undertake the environmental review process. The FAA will consider funding a portion of the project related to the ARFF function, since Buchanan Field Airport has an active Part 139 certificate. The estimated total project design cost is $952,500, of which approximately 35%, or $333,333, is related to the ARFF function. Grant applications will be submitted to the FAA and Caltrans for funding the ARFF eligible component. The Airport Enterprise Fund will pay the grant match and all non-gran- eligible costs, including the design of the Airport’s administrative office space.  
Airport staff will undertake a selection process to retain an architect for this project. The architectural design contract will be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for its consideration. The building design will be discussed with stakeholders, the Aviation Advisory Committee, and the Airport Committee throughout the process.  
Upon completion of the design process, Airport staff will forward a second FAA and Caltrans grant application approval request to the Board of Supervisors, while applications will seek funds for the construction of the ARFF related Terminal components.  
This FAA grant funding request is consistent with the Buchanan Field Airport Master Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors on October 28, 2008, plus governing FAA grant assurances and policies.   


The County will not receive the FAA and Caltrans Grant funding necessary to design the ARFF related components of the Terminal, which will result in increased costs to the Airports Division to complete the design. The Airports Division will also continue to rent office/ARFF space at $7,000 per month.  

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