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C. 6
To: Contra Costa County Flood Control District Board of Supervisors
From: Brian M. Balbas, Public Works Director/Chief Engineer
Date: December  15, 2020
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA
Subject: Approve Agreement with the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for the Grayson and Walnut Creeks Levee Improvement Project. Project No. 7520-6B8348


Action of Board On:   12/15/2020
Clerks Notes:


John Gioia, District I Supervisor
Candace Andersen, District II Supervisor
Diane Burgis, District III Supervisor
Karen Mitchoff, District IV Supervisor
Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
Contact: Gus Amirzehni, (925) 313-2128
cc: Allison Knapp, Deputy Chief Engineer     Tim Jensen, Flood Control     Paul Detjens, Flood Control     Gus Amirzehni, Flood Control     Catherine Windham, Flood Control    
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     December  15, 2020
David Twa,
BY: , Deputy



APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Chief Engineer, Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (FC District), or designee, to execute an agreement (Agreement) with the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) for implementation of the Grayson and Walnut Creeks Levee Improvement Project (Project), Martinez area.


The total estimated cost of the project is about $3 million. Approximately $1.8 million of this cost is for a construction contract that will require a separate approval by the Board. The remaining cost is for preparing design and construction documents, obtaining permits, preparing CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act), and related project management and administration. The terms of the agreement dictate that the FC District will share these costs equally with the CCCSD. The FC District’s share will be paid with Flood Control Zone 3B Funds.


The Project is a joint effort by the FC District and CCCSD to reduce flood risk to CCCSD’s wastewater treatment plant in Martinez. The CCCSD and FC District worked collaboratively in 2007 to implement the Walnut Creek Interim Protection Measures, which raised the levees along the CCCSD treatment plant to provide protection against the 100-year flood level. The current Project is intended to provide an enhanced level of flood protection.  
The Project is currently at a conceptual level. Design work will proceed once the Agreement is in place. Currently, levees are planned to be raised by up to three feet in elevation, with a proportional increase in the levee footprint. The FC District and CCCSD plan to work together in an equal partnership to advance the Project. Key provisions of the proposed Agreement are as follows:  
1. The FC District will lead the Project implementation and be responsible for developing 100% design and construction documents, advertising, awarding, and administering a construction contract to construct the Project. Once completed, the FC District will own and maintain the Project.  
2. The estimated cost of the Project is approximately $3 million. The FC District and CCCSD will share the Project costs and expenses equally.  
3. The expanded levee footprint will require additional property transfer from the CCCSD to the FC District. The planned transfer of needed additional right of way (up to 10 feet in width) will be transferred at no or nominal cost.  
The CCCSD’s Board has previously approved the agreement and authorized the CCCSD’s General Manager to execute the Agreement with the FC District for implementing the joint Project.


If the Agreement is not approved, the Project will not be implemented.

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