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To: Board of Supervisors
From: Kathy Gallagher, Employment & Human Services Director
Date: December  20, 2016
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA
Subject: Zero Tolerance for Domestic Violence Initiative Name Change


Action of Board On:   12/20/2016
Clerks Notes:


John Gioia, District I Supervisor
Candace Andersen, District II Supervisor
Mary N. Piepho, District III Supervisor
Karen Mitchoff, District IV Supervisor
Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
Contact: Elaine Burres, 313-1717
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     December  20, 2016
David Twa,
BY: , Deputy



APPROVE the Zero Tolerance for Domestic Violence Initiative to change its name to Contra Costa Alliance to End Abuse AND DIRECT staff of the Initiative to revise any relevant communication, marketing material and resources to reflect the new name (Contra Costa Alliance to End Abuse).


Not applicable.


Founded by the Board of Supervisors in 2001, the Zero Tolerance for Domestic Violence Initiative (ZTDVI) is a public/private partnership of County departments, law enforcement, and community agencies working to improve the County's response to interpersonal violence. The Initiative has successfully piloted numerous approaches, most recently establishing the Family Justice Centers, and raised significant funding (over $12 million) to support improved intervention and prevention services.  

To better reflect the Initiative's efforts to facilitate public and private partnerships and work toward changing social norms, while implementing supports and policies that improve responses to interpersonal violence, ZTDVI proposes to change its name to: Contra Costa Alliance to End Abuse: Working Together to End Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Elder Abuse, Child Abuse, and Human Trafficking.  
ZTDVI engaged in an eighteen month evaluation process soliciting input on the effectiveness of the ZTDVI partnership, areas to strengthen the impact of the Initiative and the desirability of changing the Initiative's name moving forward in the years to come. The evaluation included key informant interviews and surreys with 21 partners and policymakers. Over 80% supported a name change.  
The name "Zero Tolerance for Domestic Violence" presents numerous challenges including the following:
  • The name implies it is enough to draw a line in the sand, when research shows the need for a much broader, more all-encompassing approach.
  • Zero Tolerance for Domestic Violence does not reflect the expanded portfolio of issues Zero Tolerance is addressing including sexual assault, elder abuse, human trafficking, and child abuse.
  • Zero Tolerance (ZT) does not reflect emerging research and industry standards that recognize the need for a more holistic approach to addressing violence and abuse -- including the interconnection of multiple forms of interpersonal violence (domestic violence, sexual assault, child and elder abuse and human trafficking).
  • The name does not embrace one of Zero Tolerance's key activities, partnership engagement, leaving some partners to feel they don't fit under ZT's "big tent'.
The name change would address the challenges noted above as well position the Initiative for stronger cross-systems partnerships. The proposed name change is a move in the right direction to remain current and relevant and to highlight the breath of the Initiative and its best proactive work in prevention, innovation, organizational change and multi-disciplinary collaboration. The research from the 18-month evaluation process shows that changing the name:
  • Clearly and unambiguously states the Initiatives's goal.
  • Creates stronger positioning for grater policy impact.
  • Connects the Initiative directly to the County.
  • Provides opportunities for increased community and partner education and training, marketing and re-branding.
In recognizing that the Zero Tolerance for Domestic Violence branding has an established audience, and while the focus has broadened, the Initiative wants to take advantage of the brand already associated with the program and will adopt a "formally known as" status: Contra Costa Alliance to End Abuse, formally known as Zero Tolerance for Domestic Violence for an unspecified amount of time.


Without a name change, government and private documents, marketing materials, and resources would not be reflective of a consistent initiative name.


The Zero Tolerance for Domestic Violence Initiative supports three of the community outcomes established in the Children's Report Card, (children and Youth Healthy and Preparing for Productive Adulthood"' "Families that are Safe, Stable and Nurturing" and "Communities that are Safe and Provide a High Quality of Life") through coordinated intervention services designed to reduce interpersonal violence, including family violence and elder abuse.

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