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Meeting Date: 10/19/2020  
Subject:    Receive and Review Budget Update
Submitted For: David Twa
Department: County Administrator  
Referral No.:  
Referral Name: Receive and Review Budget Update
Presenter: Julie DiMaggio Enea Contact: Julie DiMaggio Enea (925) 655-2056

Referral History:
Total 2020 Census Budget of $926,005

On December 18, 2018, the Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution No. 2018/592 proclaiming support of, and participation in, the 2020 Census, authorizing execution of the County-Optional Outreach Agreement with the State, and making the County eligible to receive up to $362,605 during fiscal years 2018-19 and 2019-20.

On July 30, 2019, at the recommendation of the 2020 Census Complete Count Steering Committee, the Board of Supervisors approved a one-time allocation of $500,000 from the County General Fund to supplement State funding for the County's expenses for outreach to hard-to-count populations.

On February 11, 2020, the Board adopted Resolution No. 2020/40 authorizing the County to accept an additional $63,400 in State Census funding to augment printing collateral and in-language support, administer census outreach activities in hard to count tracts, and establish a contingency fund for rapid deployment of resources during the self-response period, for a total State allocation of $426,005.

Budget Plan

The attached budget status shows the original proposed Census Budget as compared to the current Census budget, and actual expenditures plus encumbrances to date. Following is a brief summary of budget reallocations that were made with approval of the Steering Committee over the course of the Census Project:
  • At its October 21, 2019 meeting, the Census Steering Committee approved a redistribution of funds: $10,000 in Media Buys, $26,345 in Printing Collateral and $40,000 in Outreach Tasks.
  • At its December 16, 2019 meeting, the Steering Committee approved reallocation of $20,000 of the Technology funding to direct outreach to the veteran population.
  • At its January 27, 2020 meeting, the Steering Committee allocated supplemental State funds of $63,400: $16,400 to Printing, $42,000 to grants allocated and $5,000 to Contingency/Non-response Follow Up.
  • At its March 16, 2020 meeting, the Steering Committee approved a redistribution of funds with flexibility to the Finance Subcommittee to align funds with the COVID-19 restrictions. At the May 11, 2020 Joint Outreach and Finance Subcommittee meeting, the subcommittees approved the redistribution of funds for digital and transit ads during the COVID-19 restrictions.
Referral Update:
Due to the abrupt halt of the Census self-response and field data collection period, it is unlikely that all of the County funds allocated to the Census project will be expended. Encumbered amounts and projected balances are only estimates based on outstanding invoices,mini-grant commitments, and staff costs. Actual costs will not be known until all remaining obligations are closed out.

Note that two State revenue payments remain outstanding. Staff is following up with the State on the missing payment of $32,634 invoiced at the beginning of this year. The final payment of $18,130 will be due upon the County's submittal of the final report to the State.

The County Administrator's Office will make all necessary technical adjustments to close out the project budget and will provide an updated close-out report at the final Steering Committee meeting.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
ACCEPT the Census 2020 budget update.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
None. This is an informational report.
2020 Census Budget Update as of 10-12-2020

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