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Meeting Date: 10/21/2019  
Subject:    2020 Census RFP Grant Application Allocation Plan
Submitted For: David Twa
Department: County Administrator  
Referral No.:  
Referral Name: 2020 Census RFP Grant Application Allocation Plan
Presenter: Kristine Solseng Contact: Kristine Solseng 674-7809

Referral History:
On July 30th, the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors approved the Contra Costa County Census 2020 Steering Committee’s recommendation to invest $500,000 to supplement census outreach efforts, with $350,000 dedicated to outreach grants, $125,000 for technology access and $25,000 to supplement outreach to reaching to unhoused or homeless residents. The Board of Supervisors also approved the Census Assistance and Outreach Grants RFP and timeline.

The Steering Committee has tasked the Fiance Subcommittee with grant RFP development and review.
Referral Update:
The RFP was issued on September 3, 2019, with a submission deadline of September 30, 2019 at 5pm. The CoCoCensus 2020 staff conducted a bidder’s conference on September 11, 2019 which was attended by 30 non-profits, city representatives, County department representatives and other interested parties. The CoCoCensus 2020 staff and all of the BOS District offices sent out notices of the grant availability to their distribution lists, and County departments, cities/towns, special districts, and community partners shared the opportunity throughout their networks.

Grant Submission Summary
Number of grants received: 59
Amount requested: $1.074,206

Grant Recommendations
On October 14, 2019, the Contra Costa County Census 2020 Finance Subcommittee, CocoCensus staff and one steering committee member reviewed and discussed the grant submissions, using the RFP objective evaluation criteria, grant mapping and gap analysis prepared by staff. The subcommittee also reviewed and recommends an 80/20 allocation formula for funding Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Contra Costa County Outreach and Assistance Grants. Based on the $350,000 grant allocation, the Finance subcommittee recommends an allocation of $280,000 for Phase 1 and $70,000 for Phase 2. The committee also discussed and recommends the allocation of $125,000 in technology assistance funding to be directed to County Departments supporting the outreach effort and specifically census partners.

A quorum of the appointed members of the Census Finance Subcommittee, Lauren Babb and Samuel Houston approved the attached grant recommendation for approval by the Contra Costa County Census 2020 Complete County Committee at its meeting on October 21, 2019.

Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
APPROVE Census 2020 RFP Grant allocation plan in the amount of $280,000 for specific project amounts as recommended by the 2020 Census Finance Subcommittee and AUTHORIZE staff to prepare and process contracts with grant awardees including the ability to refine scope of work/service plan, make minor funding adjustments as needed to finalize and execute contracts by mid November, and conduct mandatory trainings by the end of December.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
On July 30, 2019 the Board of Supervisor's allocated $500,000 to the 2020 Census and $350,000 was allocated to support grand funded initiatives.

A complete census count ensures the County will receive it's fair share of State and Federal dollars for the next decade.
Grant Recommendations
Grant Type and Language Summary
Hard to Count and County Regions Analysis

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