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C. 56
To: Board of Supervisors
From: David Twa, County Administrator
Date: October  8, 2019
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA
Subject: Increase Limit of the Contract with Rubicon Programs, Inc., for the Operation of the Reentry Success Center


Action of Board On:   10/08/2019
Clerks Notes:


John Gioia, District I Supervisor
Candace Andersen, District II Supervisor
Diane Burgis, District III Supervisor
Karen Mitchoff, District IV Supervisor
Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
Contact: Donte Blue, 925-335-1022
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     October  8, 2019
David Twa,
BY: , Deputy



APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the County Administrator, or designee, to execute a contract amendment, subject to approval as to form by County Counsel, with Rubicon Programs, Inc., to increase the payment limit by $65,000 to a new payment limit of $626,335 for the operation of West County Reentry Resource Center, for the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.


The contract increase of $65,000 is funded by SB 678-California Community Corrections Performance Incentives Act revenue budgeted in the Probation Department for FY 2019-20.


On December 7, 2018, the Community Corrections Partnership Executive Committee adopted a FY 2019-20 AB 109 Public Safety Realignment Budget for recommendation to the Board of Supervisors. The Public Protection Committee of the Board of Supervisors considered this recommended budget during its January 28, 2019, Special Session and February 4, 2019, meeting. After consideration of the matter, a budget was recommended to the Board of Supervisors that included recommendations to fund the AB 109 Community Programs for FY 2019-20.

On June 18, 2019, the Board approved and authorized the County Administrator or designee to execute a variety of contracts for the AB 109 Community Programs. Among these was a contract with Rubicon Programs for FY 2019-20 in the amount of $561,335 for the management of West County Reentry Resource Center operating as the Reentry Success Center in Richmond.  
Based on this direction, a contract was executed with Rubicon Programs effective July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. The current request is for the increase of the current contractual funding to extend the Reentry Success Center’s hours during the remainder of the contract term. This extension of hours will allow the Reentry Success Center to provide evening services to those requiring support outside of the regular business hours.  
After in-depth discussions among the representatives of the Community Advisory Board on Public Safety Realignment, Office of Reentry and Justice, Probation Department and County Administrator’s Office, the Reentry Success Center has proposed extending its hours to meet the specific needs of its clientele. Instead of operating Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., the Reentry Success Center would at least operate Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. These extended hours will be intended to provide additional services to the following populations:  
1. Individuals released from custody in local jails after 5:00 pm  
2. Individuals who are attempting to access County systems of support after hours  
3. Individuals who wish to engage in pro-social activities in the evening  
4. Employed individuals seeking support after work  
5. Family members with evening availability to attend services with their loved ones  
The additional evening hours would also allow the Reentry Success Center to act as a bridge to the Warming Center for the homeless residents in West County. It begins taking reservation calls at 6:00 p.m. and opens its doors at 8:00 p.m. each night. Without these extended hours, many individuals who utilize both the Reentry Success Center and Warming Center do not have a place to go between the 5:00 p.m. closing of the Reentry Success Center and the Warming Center’s 8:00 p.m. opening. Approving this contract amendment will provide critical evening services to an at-risk population in the County.


Reentry services in West County will not be available during critical evening hours.

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