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C. 22
To: Board of Supervisors
From: Kathy Gallagher, Employment & Human Services Director
Date: January  19, 2021
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA
Subject: Reassign a project position and incumbent from CSB to Admin Bureau and transition the project position and incumbent into the merit system


Action of Board On:   01/19/2021
Clerks Notes:


John Gioia, District I Supervisor
Candace Andersen, District II Supervisor
Diane Burgis, District III Supervisor
Karen Mitchoff, District IV Supervisor
Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
Contact: Reni Radeva (925) 608-5036; rradeva@ehsd.cccounty.us
cc: Reni Radeva    
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     January  19, 2021
BY: , Deputy



ADOPT Position Adjustment Resolution No. 25668 to reassign one (1) Intermediate Level Clerk -Project (99J3) (represented) position number 1206 at Salary Plan and Grade QH5 0946 ($3,459 -$4,204) and incumbent from the Community Services Bureau to the Administrative Services Bureau in the Employment and Human Services Department; Transition one (1) Intermediate Level Clerk -Project (99J3) (represented) position number 1206 at Salary Plan and Grade QH5 0946 ($3,459 -$4,204) and incumbent into the Merit System classification of Clerk - Experience Level (JWXB) (represented) at salary plan and grade 3RH 0750 ($3, 302- $4,097) in the Administrative Services Bureau of the Employment and Human Services Department.


Upon approval, this action will result in an annual Net County Cost increase by $2,953.00. Further, the action will result in an annual salary and benefits saving by $2,501.00 and will have a salary and benefit cost shift from the Community Services Bureau (0588) to the Administrative Services Bureau (0501). Actual cost for this position has been journaled to the correct department and org. This action will eliminate the need for future correction journals. This position will time certify and the appropriate cost will be allocated to the Community Services Bureau and the Administrative Services Bureau.


Employment and Human Services Department is requesting to reassign one (1) Intermediate Level Clerk - Project position and incumbent from the Personnel Unit of the Community Services Bureau (CSB) to the Administrative Services Bureau of the Department. This is consistent with the merger between CSB and the rest of the bureaus of the EHSD. This will support the coordination of assignments and effectiveness of the EHSD Personnel Unit.  
Further, the Employment and Human Services Department (EHSD) is requesting to transition the Intermediate Level Clerk - Project position and incumbent into the merit system. The incumbent has met the provisions for transition from project to the merit system in accordance with PMR Section 1603.1 - Project Positions Transfer and 1603.10 - Requirement for Competitive Examination.   
Section 1603.1 of the Personnel Management Regulations states that when the Board of Supervisors establishes as regular service a program initially established by the Board for a specific limited period as part of an approved project, employees who have served in project positions at least one (1) year shall be included in the merit system if the Director of Human Resources recommends such inclusion, the Board of Supervisors approves the classification and its addition to the merit system, and the employee(s) was originally appointed to the project position from an eligible list on an open competitive basis. Human Resources has verified that the incumbent in position was appointed to the Project Position on April 24, 2018, from an eligibility list on an open competitive basis and has served for more than one (1) year.


If this action is not approved, the incumbent will not receive the benefits of being a Merit System employee. This may also create some inequalities since this clerical position is part of the Personnel Unit where all the rest of the positions/employees are part of the merit system.

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