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To: Board of Supervisors
Date: January  12, 2010
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA


Action of Board On:   01/12/2010
Clerks Notes:


John Gioia, District I Supervisor
Gayle B. Uilkema, District II Supervisor
Mary N. Piepho, District III Supervisor
Susan A. Bonilla, District IV Supervisor
Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
Contact: JULIE ENEA (925) 335-1077
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     January  12, 2010
David Twa,
BY: , Deputy



1. ACKNOWLEDGE that the Board of Supervisors referred 16 issues to the Internal Operations Committee (IOC) for its review and consideration during 2009, in addition to the screening of nominees for seats on selected advisory bodies.  

2. FIND that the 2009 IOC made 8 reports on issues referred by the Board of Supervisors, and 15 separate recommendations for appointment of individuals to 26 Board advisory body seats.  


3. RECOGNIZE the excellent work of the County department staff who provided the requisite information to the IOC in a timely and professional manner, and members of the Contra Costa community and private industry who, through their interest in improving the quality of life in Contra Costa County, provided valuable insight into our discussions, and feedback that helped us to formulate our policy recommendations.  
4. ACKNOWLEDGE that the IOC suspended its meeting schedule for November and December 2009 due to the temporary reassignment of Committee staff to other duties.  
5. REMOVE without taking any further action the referrals to the 2009 IOC listed on Attachment A.  
6. REFER to the 2010 IOC the items listed on Attachment B.  




During 2009, the Internal Operations Committee (IOC) reviewed nominations to those advisory bodies for which the IOC has traditionally made recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for appointment or reappointment – primarily at large seats or seats on committees whose composition requirements must be monitored. Our Committee appreciates the time and effort taken by the staff to these advisory bodies to recruit, screen, and nominate individuals to our Committee for approval and appointment by the Board. Their efforts in this regard allowed the IOC to focus more of its time on the following subjects:  
1. Small Business Enterprise (SBE) and Outreach Programs. The IOC reviewed the 2008 annual and semi-annual (July – December) SBE and Outreach reports and provided guidance to County staff on policy issues related to the administration of the programs. We continue to be encouraged by the positive statistics and continue to work with the County Administrator’s Office to achieve maximum program effort and compliance. We recommend that the 2010 IOC continue to review these programs on an annual basis, with the next update due in Spring 2010. REFER  
2. County Audit Program. In 2000, the Board of Supervisors directed that the IOC review each December the annual schedule of audits and best practices studies proposed by the County Administrator and the Auditor-Controller. Due to the exigent need to complete the County’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report by the prescribed deadline, the IOC agreed to change, henceforth, the Auditor-Controller’s annual audit plan deadline to February. Since the IOC did not meet in December, the County Administrator’s Office will likewise make its report to the Committee in February 2010. As the review of the annual audit plan is a standing referral, we recommend that this item be referred to the 2010 IOC. REFER  
3. Annual Vehicle Replacement List/Low Mileage Vehicles. Each year, the General Services Department (GSD) Fleet Services Manager has analyzed the fleet and annual vehicle usage and made recommendations to the IOC on the budget year vehicle replacements and on the intra-County transfer of underutilized vehicles, in accordance with County policy. The County Administrator’s Office has used that information to develop the annual vehicle replacement list that, since 2003/04, has been used as a planning tool during budget deliberations. In FY 2008/09, the Board approved the establishment of an Internal Services Fund (ISF) for the County Fleet, to be administered by GSD. The Board continued the referral to IOC to review annually the GSD report on the fleet and on low-mileage vehicles.   
In June 2009, GSD presented its recommendations for the disposition of 65 low-mileage vehicles, which were approved by the IOC. In September 2009, GSD reported to the IOC that most of the goals for the ISF have been met or in the process of being met:   

  • Better planning – more focus on long-term stability and self-support
  • More accurate budgeting for departments
  • Equitable vehicle replacement standards for all departments
  • Newer fleet as older vehicles are replaced more frequently
  • Streamlined vehicle replacement process through single versus multiple requisitions
  • Increased resale value
The General Services Department will continue to develop accurate vehicle use information and analysis to document actual costs and potential cost savings from Fleet ISF operations. It is recommended that this matter be referred to the 2010 IOC for continued monitoring. REFER  
4. Local Vendor Preference Program. On August 10, 2004, the Board of Supervisors referred to IOC the creation of a policy to grant a five percent preference to Contra Costa County vendors on all sealed bids or proposals except with respect to those contracts which state law requires to be granted to the lowest bidder, and review of an ordinance to be drafted by County Counsel to enact this policy. The 2005 IOC proposed a new ordinance to the Board that would grant a five percent preference to self-certified local vendors for purchases in excess of $25,000. This ordinance was introduced on August 9 and adopted on September 13, 2005.   
The IOC received a status report from GSD in October 2009 and is satisfied that the program is meeting the original objectives, which were to direct more County business to local vendors in order to support small local businesses and stimulate the local economy at no additional County cost. In 2008/09, the program redirected more than $400,000 to the local economy that would otherwise have been spent outside of Contra Costa County. Additionally, there has been an increase in the percentage amount of competitive bids awarded to local vendors in relation to the total transactions meeting the ordinance criteria every year since program inception. Our Committee has requested another annual update in September 2010 for the 2009/10 fiscal year, and will continue to monitor the program’s progress. REFER  
5. Coordination of Municipal Services. On August 2, 2006, the Board of Supervisors requested the CAO to work with the County’s municipal services departments to identify opportunities for service improvements and to report any findings to the Internal Operations Committee. The departments identified three areas for concentration: responding to public inquiries and information requests; improving public outreach and access to services; and increasing interdepartmental coordination. The IOC received status reports from the CAO and the departments in August and December 2006, July and November 2007, August and December 2008, and October 2009, reviewing accomplishments to date and efforts still underway. The IOC requested the Conservation & Development Department to provide a follow-up report on stop-work orders in March 2010. We recommend, therefore, that this matter be referred to the 2010 IOC. REFER  
6. Advisory Body Review. Board Resolution No. 2002/377 requires a triennial review of each Board advisory body whose existence is not mandated by State or federal law or regulation for justification of its continuation. While the triennial review enables the Board of Supervisors to identify advisory bodies that should continue, be disbanded, or merged with other bodies, a comprehensive review is necessary to ensure the bodies continue to: 1) work in accordance with County goals and objectives, 2) function in an efficient and effective manner, and 3) receive an appropriate level of support and guidance. On March 6, 2007, the Board referred to the Internal Operations Committee a review of the Board’s myriad advisory bodies. In May 2007, the County Administrator’s Office made a preliminary report to the Committee with a work plan to initiate the study in 2008. The study focused on the consistency between advisory body activities and established mission; efficiency and effectiveness; and staff support and guidance. In 2009, the IOC used the findings from this study to make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on the need for specific advisory bodies as well as how best to maximize their utility in support of the Board. The Board of Supervisors adopted related IOC recommendations on June 23 and November 3, 2009. Therefore, it is recommended that this matter be removed from the IOC list of referrals. REMOVE  
7. Human Resources Recruitment Process. On May 8, 2007, the Board of Supervisors directed the Human Resources Director to report to the IOC on the County’s personnel recruitment process. The referral was predicated on a recommendation from Supervisor Bonilla, who acknowledged a recurring issue raised by departments during discussions about their programs, workload, and budget. Several departments reported independently that operational symptoms such as high staff workloads, reduced work quality, reduced responsiveness, low staff morale, increased use and cost of overtime, and increased use of contract and temporary staff, relate, in part, to an inability to acquire permanent staff when needed. In order to facilitate a better understanding of the time it takes to acquire needed staff resources, the Human Resources Director in 2007 presented to our Committee an informative overview of governing regulations, types of recruitment processes, pre-recruitment, recruitment steps, best case scenario recruitment and timetable, and recruitment process enhancements. We also were presented workload data and staffing ratio comparisons with comparable counties. The Board received a condensed version of this presentation at its December 18, 2007 meeting. We had asked the Human Resources Department to report back to our committee once it has completed its update of the Personnel Management Regulations, which is anticipated to help streamline the position adjustment process. However, due to the transition of Human Resources management staff, this referral was not completed and the Human Resources Director requested, and the IOC granted, an extension to February 2010 for a follow-up report. REFER  
8. Review of the Health Services Department Environmental Health Program. In January 2008, the Board of Supervisors referred to the Internal Operations Committee a review of Health Services Department (HSD) Environmental Health Program standards and policies in order to promote a better understanding of the regulations, and inspection and follow-up processes, and to identify opportunities, if any, to streamline those processes.   
The IOC discussed this matter over several meetings in 2008 and 2009 to permit the Environmental Health Division to meet individually with local businesses to flesh out and resolve issues, and to carry out Committee requests and directives. In February 2009, the HSD briefed the Board of Supervisors on actions taken by the Environmental Health Division to improve customer service and to improve consistency in inspection and follow-up processes. HSD reported back to the IOC in August 2009, and the IOC requested the department to make a follow-up report on code enforcement on farm produce stands and restaurants. Therefore, we recommend that this matter be referred to the 2010 IOC for follow-up. REFER  
9. Review of the Health Services Department Hazardous Materials Program. In January 2008, the Board of Supervisors referred to the Internal Operations Committee a review of Health Services Department Hazardous Materials Program in order to gain a better understanding of the Program’s mission and operations. On July 7, 2008, the Health Services Department provided a report to the IOC on the myriad County hazardous materials programs and associated regulatory responsibilities. Supplementing the report was a summary and evaluation of Hazardous Materials Ombudsman activities from November 2006 to the present. On October 13, 2008, the Department presented a follow-up report to the IOC on enforcement procedures, the unannounced inspection program, and the identification of Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs). Our Committee reported out to the Board of Supervisors on October 28, 2008 with a recommendation for a follow-up report from the Health Services Department to the Committee in 2009. HSD made a follow-up report to the IOC in August 2009 and the Committee requested another follow-up report regarding fine collection, Brownfield sites, and prosecution of hazardous materials violations. Since the IOC was unable to receive the follow-up report due to the cancellation of the November and December meetings, it is recommended that this matter be referred to the 2010 IOC. REFER  
10. Review and Update of the County’s Policy Governing Public Access to County Records. On June 3, 2008, the Board of Supervisors referred to the IOC a review of County policies on responding to requests for records under the Public Records Act. The referral cited a Grand Jury report that acknowledged that some County departments responded appropriately to requests for public records, but some either did not understand their statutory responsibilities or attempted to discourage the requester.   
On August 11 and November 3, County Administrator’s Office (CAO) staff presented progress reports to the IOC including drafts of a modified County policy on Public Access to County Records to be made available to County staff via an Administrative Bulletin; a trifold brochure on the public’s right to records to be made available to the public in County office reception areas and waiting rooms; and a standard public records request form to be made available on the County’s website and for use by County departments and the general public. The CAO presented the final documents to the Board of Supervisors on May 19, 2009 and the Board approved the revised policy, brochure, and standard request form. Staff training is scheduled for January and February 2010. It is, therefore, recommended that this matter be removed from the IOC referral list. REMOVE  
11. Feral Cats. During the Public Comment period at the July 22, 2008 Board of Supervisors meeting, the Board received the testimony of Julie Linford regarding her concerns about a growing and reproducing cat colony surrounding the Martinez Animal Shelter. Ms. Linford provided an Issue Paper on behalf of Outcast Cat Help, a Martinez nonprofit corporation. The Board referred the matter to the Internal Operations Committee (IOC) for follow-up.  
On September 15, the IOC received a report from the County Administrator and Animal Services Director providing background on the issue and responding specifically to Ms. Linford’s proposal to establish a feral cat colony at the Martinez Animal Shelter and implement a trap-neuter-release (TNR) program around the Shelter. The Committee accepted the staff report and concurred with staff’s response to community proposal. The Committee requested the Animal Services Director to set up a work group with community members to review the County's animal and/or zoning ordinances and explore possible amendments to ease restrictions on the fostering of cats within the county unincorporated area, and report progress back to the IOC. The Animal Services Director made two status reports to the IOC, in July and October 2009, and the IOC concluded that changes to the County’s ordinance were not warranted. The IOC agreed to reschedule this matter to February 2010 to allow additional opportunity for public comment. REFER  
12. Update of the County’s Emergency Operations Plan. On February 24, 2009, the Board of Supervisors referred to the Internal Operations Committee the review and update of the County’s Emergency Operations Plan, last updated by the Emergency Services Policy Board in January 2006. The Office of the Sheriff reported to the IOC in July 2009. The IOC recommended that staff review the plan quarterly and provide the Board of Supervisors members more frequent updates. The Plan should be updated at least annually and the Office of the Sheriff should make the documents accessible by the public. The Plan update was scheduled to be considered by the Emergency Services Policy Board in December, after which time the IOC requested a follow up report. Since the IOC did not meet in December, it is recommended that the follow-up report be referred to the 2010 IOC. REFER  
13. Special Revenue Funds Administered by Board of Supervisors Members. On December 9, 2008, following a discussion about a proposal to allocate Dougherty Valley Regional Enhancement funds to provide industrial education and vocational training to West County youths, the Board of Supervisors referred to the IOC a review of how special revenue or “trust” funds are expended by the County and the possible development of a policy regarding the expenditure of such funds. Staff compiled information on selected special revenues administered by the Board of Supervisors and drafted a policy that defined various types of special revenues and how new special revenues would be administered in the future. This matter was discussed in June, July, and September at IOC and was also discussed on a dual referral to the Finance Committee at two meetings. While the Board of Supervisors approved a similar policy proposed by Supervisors Piepho and Bonilla on December 15, 2009, the IOC and Finance Committees offered additional suggestions for incorporation into a special revenue policy. To permit those suggestions to be considered relative to the Board-adopted policy, it is recommended that this matter be retained on referral to the 2010 IOC. REFER  
14. Ordinance to Exempt Certain Municipal Advisory Councils from the Better Government Ordinance. On November 4, 2008, the Board of Supervisors, at the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Committee on Municipal Advisory Councils (MACs), referred to the IOC the matter of an amendment to the County’s Better Government Ordinance (BGO) to exempt from compliance with the BGO those MACs whose members make up the governing body of a Community Services District. In March 2009, the IOC considered this matter, accepted public testimony, and directed County Counsel to draft an amendment to the BGO to exempt certain MACs from adherence to the BGO in those limited situations when the MAC members are also the elected board of directors of a CSD. The ordinance was introduced on April 21, 2009 and adopted by the Board of Supervisors on April 28, 2009. It is, therefore, recommended that this matter be removed of the IOC list of referrals. REMOVE  
15. Review of the $50,000 Threshold in the Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Program. The Board referred this matter to the IOC on September 15, 2009. Since the IOC was unable to take up this referral in 2009, it is recommended that this item be retained on referral to the 2010 IOC. REFER  
16. Policy on Sunset Dates for Board Advisory Bodies. In relation to Referral #7, one of the IOC recommendations was to consider a draft policy to initiate a Sunset Review Program for advisory bodies in lieu of the triennial review. The Sunset Review Program would require the County to review one fourth of the Board’s advisory bodies annually, spreading the work out evenly over a four year cycle. As this proposal was introduced to the IOC and Board in draft form, it is recommended that it be referred to the 2010 IOC for continuing examination. REFER  
17. Review of Procedures Governing Employee Involvement in Contracts with Prospective Employers. The Board referred this matter to the IOC on December 15, 2009. Since the IOC was unable to take up this referral in 2009, it is recommended that this item be retained on referral to the 2010 IOC. REFER  
18. Advisory Body Recruitments. On December 12, 2000, the Board of Supervisors approved a policy on the process for recruiting applicants for selected advisory bodies of the Board. This policy requires an open recruitment for all vacancies to At Large seats appointed by the Board. The Board also directed that the IOC personally conduct interviews of applicants for At Large seats on the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District's Fire Advisory Commission, the County Planning Commission and the Board appointees to the County Employees' Retirement Board. No vacancies occurred in these IOC-reviewed seats during 2009. However, the following vacancies are scheduled to occur on June 30, 2010 and we, therefore, recommend that this matter be referred to the 2010 IOC for follow-up: REFER  
  • County Retirement Board BOS Appointee #4
  • County Retirement Board BOS Appointee #5
  • CCC Fire Advisory Commission At Large #2
  • County Planning Commission At Large #1
# 6 Triennial Advisory Body Review  
#10 Update of policy on Public Access to County Records  
#14 Ordinance to Exempt Certain MACs from the Better Gov’t Ordinance  
# 1 Continued policy oversight and quarterly monitoring of the Small Business Enterprise and Outreach programs, and e-Outreach  
# 2 Review of the annual audit schedule  
# 3 Review of annual Master Vehicle Replacement List and disposition of low-use vehicles  
# 4 Local Vendor Preference Program  
# 5 Coordination of municipal services  
# 7 Human Resources recruitment process   
# 8 Review of Health Services Department, Environmental Health Program standards and policies to promote a better understanding of the regulations, and inspection and follow-up processes and identify opportunities, if any, to streamline  
# 9 Review of the Health Services Department Hazardous Materials Program as it relates to the Environmental Health Program  
#11 Feral cats  
#12 Update of the Emergency Operations Plan  
#13 Policy on Special Revenues administered by the Board of Supervisors  
#15 Review of the $50,000 Threshold in the Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Program  
#16 Policy on sunset dates for Board advisory bodies  
#17 Review of Procedures Governing Employee Involvement in Contracts with Prospective Employers  
#18 Advisory Body Recruitments





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