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To: Board of Supervisors
From: Catherine Kutsuris, Conservation & Development Director
Date: April  28, 2009
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA
Subject: Authorization of General Plan Amendment Study for the Rodeo Marina, Assessor Parcel No. 357-020-009, as requested by Rodeo Marina LLC


Action of Board On:   04/28/2009
Clerks Notes:


John Gioia, District I Supervisor
Gayle B. Uilkema, District II Supervisor
Mary N. Piepho, District III Supervisor
Susan A. Bonilla, District IV Supervisor
Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
Contact: P. Roche, DCD-Adv. Pln. 335-1242
cc: Marc Grisham, Managing Partner, Rodeo Marina LLC     vincent manuel     jim kennedy     david brockbank    
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     April  28, 2009
David Twa,
BY: , Deputy



1. AUTHORIZE a General Plan Amendment study for a 3 (+/-) acre portion of Assessor Parcel No.357-020-009, more commonly known as the Rodeo Marina in the Rodeo area, to consider a change in the General Plan land use designation from Commercial Recreation (CR) to Light Industry (LI).  

2. ACKNOWLEDGE that granting authorization for this request does not imply any support or endorsement for the application to amend the General Plan, but only that this matter is appropriate for study.  


None. If authorization is granted the applicant shall pay fees to cover the cost for a General Plan Amendment study.


The Department of Conservation and Development is in receipt of a request from Mr. Marc Grisham on behalf of Rodeo Marina LLC for a General Plan Amendment study involving Assessor Parcel No. 357-020-009, in the Rodeo area. This subject parcel is a 12.8 (+/-) acre site located along the waterfront in Rodeo, more commonly known as the Rodeo Marina. The subject site is designated Commercial Recreation (CR) under the Land Use Element Map to the Contra Costa County General Plan, 2005-2020, it is zoned under the Rodeo P-1: Planned Unit District, and it is located entirely within the Urban Limit Line. Mr. Grisham is seeking authorization to consider re-designating approximately 3-acre portion of the property to Light Industry (LI) in support of a proposal to re-develop the marina property. See Exhibit “A” for a copy of letter from Mr. Grisham, Managing Partner, Rodeo Marina LLC, requesting the General Plan Amendment study authorization.   
As explained in Mr. Grisham’s letter, Rodeo LLC is proposing to repair and rehabilitate portions of the Rodeo Marina and to construct new portions to create a new updated marina facility. Their goal is to phase re-development of the site into multiple uses that would include:   
• a restaurant,   
• marine repair facility,  
• boat docks, boat storage, and small boat launch  
• new harbor master building,   
• bed and breakfast inn or overnight lodging,   
• mixed use commercial building,  
• a marine contractor’s yard with office and warehouse buildings, and  
• public access  
The marina’s location, comprised of Assessor Parcel No. 357-020-009, the subject of the General Plan Amendment study authorization request, is depicted in the maps and aerial photo, respectively, attached as Exhibits “B” and “C” to this report.   
The 12.8-acre Rodeo Marina site, formerly known as Bennett’s Marina, is an underused marina located along the waterfront to San Pablo Bay. There are two active businesses within the marina, consisting of a marine engine repair shop and a restaurant/bar. The existing marina consists of two silted–in boat basins with bay mud bottom that show during low tides. Due to the silted conditions within the marina there are few boats using the existed berths in the marina.   
A key goal for the Rodeo waterfront area is the restoration of Rodeo Marina into an active marina. Over the years, both natural and economic factors have contributed to the decline of Rodeo’s waterfront. A number of studies have identified challenges associated with revitalizing the marina. These challenges have included the problems of siltation, hazardous materials clean-up, and lack of economic feasibility. The owners of the Rodeo Marina property have made several attempts to revive the marina but, to date; they have not been able to overcome problems with reviving and redeveloping the marina.  
The proposal presented by Rodeo Marina LLC suggests a variety of existing and new uses that are typically associated with a marina which fall squarely under the Commercial Recreation (CR) designation under the General Plan and are consistent with the Specific Plan and P-1 District developed for the Rodeo Downtown/Waterfront area. However, what distinguishes this proposal from previous development attempts is that it includes using a portion of the marina site for a marine contractor’s yard for a firm named Vortex Marine Construction, Inc., which would include office and warehouse buildings, storage and boat/barge docking area for the marine construction contractor. This use is clearly industrial, not commercial recreation, and it could not be found consistent with the present Commercial Recreation designation under the General Plan and Rodeo’s Downtown/Waterfront Specific Plan and P-1 District. The uses and activities of the marine construction contractor more appropriately fall within the General Plan’s Light Industry (LI) designation. In order to accommodate the uses and activities of the marine construction contractor on a portion of the Rodeo Marina site, as proposed by Rodeo Marina LLC, the General Plan, Specific Plan, and P-1 District would all need to be revised and amended to reflect this industrial use on the property.  
Rodeo Marina LLC’s proposal appears to address some of the underlying challenges that have prevented the revitalization of the marina, specifically in locating Vortex Marine Construction, Inc.,  
within the marina, they would now have a qualified and capable marine construction firm that can dredge the boat basins and reconfigure the marina’s breakwaters and entrance to San Pablo Bay. Additionally, Vortex Marine Construction, Inc. would provide the marina with a much needed long-term and stable tenant to enhance the economic feasibility for its revitalization.   
It is noteworthy that Rodeo Marina LLC has presented their development concept for the marina to the Rodeo community in two well attended public meetings. The general sentiment from the public attending these meetings was generally supportive of Rodeo Marina LLC’s proposal. There were, however, concerns raised by some more immediate neighbors to the marina with the proposal to add a marine construction contractor use within the marina.   
Staff recommends the Board authorize the General Plan Amendment study as requested by Rodeo Marina LLC. The staff’s basis for this recommendation is that the applicant is proposing a thoughtful and well reasoned development program for the restoration of an active marina that is essential to the Rodeo waterfront. Their request to consider a change in use for a 3-acre portion of the marina property has merit and should be authorized. Authorization for this study, however, does not imply support or endorsement for the application to amend the General Plan, but only that this matter is appropriate for study.  
Attachments (3)  
Exhibit A: Letter from Mr. Marc Grisham, Managing Partner, Rodeo Marina LLC, dated February 2, 2009, requesting General Plan Amendment study authorization  
Exhibit B: Maps of the Subject Site (APN: 357-020-009), including current General Plan/Zoning designations   
Exhibit C: Aerial Photograph of Subject Site   

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