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To: Board of Supervisors
From: Joe Valentine, Employment & Human Services Director
Date: April  28, 2009
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA
Subject: CSB Teacher Degree Program / Training costs waiver


Action of Board On:   04/28/2009
Clerks Notes:


Contact: C. Youngblood, 313-1712
cc: Cassandra Youngblood     Camilla Rand     Mickey Williams    
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     April  28, 2009
David Twa,
BY: , Deputy



AUTHORIZE a one-time waiver of County Administrative Bulletin 112.9 issued June 30, 2007 which states that training costs are to be paid as a reimbursement; AND   

APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Auditor-Controller to provide advance payment to colleges and universities for tuition, and directly to employees for bookd and parking, for participants in the Employment & Human Services Department’s Teacher Degree Program, in an aggregate amount not to exceed $75,840 for all participants, for the term March 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009.  


No County costs  
100% Federal funds  
CFDA # 93.600


On May 20, 2008, the Board approved receipt of a grant award from Federal Administration for Children and Families (ACF), in an amount not to exceed $75,840 under a one-time Training and Technical Assistance funding area within the annual Head Start Continuation grant. ACF gave approval to the Department on December 11, 2008 for the funds to be rolled over to the 2009 calendar year for use in the Teacher Degree attainment program.   
Administrative Bulletin 112.9 issued 6-30-07 states that training costs are to be paid as a reimbursement; however, the aforementioned grant from ACF is specifically to support teaching staff in meeting the mandate that 50% of Head Start teaching staff must have a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree by 2013. Requiring staff to cover the up-front costs for schooling is a hardship for them and this requirement precludes several staff from participating in this program. The grant dollars have been allocated by the funder to the Department for the purpose of covering tuition, books and other degree expenses. These grant dollars are available for all Department Teachers, Associate Teachers and Site Supervisors who are interested in obtaining degrees. Currently, there are 30 participants; it is anticipated that the number will increase as the program continues. Each participant is required to sign an agreement outlining the terms of participation before being accepted into the program.   
Thus, the Department requests flexibility to release the funds as necessary to ensure successful completion of the Teacher Degree Program (TDP). By granting this request, the Department will have flexibility to make payments directly to the colleges and universities via purchase order requests or procurement card. Payments made prior to course completion will be limited to TDP participants and the colleges and universities acknowledging student sponsorships through the Department.  
If approved, this action will authorize the Auditor-Controller to pay the costs associated with the Teacher Degree Program (TDP) to colleges and universities in advance of course completion. These costs are to include tuition, books, and other costs approved by the Employment & Human Services Director, or designee.  

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