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To: Board of Supervisors
From: Joe Valentine, Employment & Human Services Director
Date: April  21, 2009
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA
Subject: "Human Services in a Time of Economic Crisis" Report


Action of Board On:   04/21/2009
Clerks Notes:


Contact: Joe Valentine, 3-1579
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     April  21, 2009
David Twa,
BY: , Deputy



ADOPT Resolution #2009/165 regarding "Human Services in a Time of Economic Crisis" as recommended by Joseph P. Valentine, Director, Employment and Human Services Department.


No fiscal impact.


Public assistance programs serve as an economic safety net for the lowest-income California families and individuals, helping them meet basic needs such as food, shelter, and health care. The California Welfare Directors Association of California (CWDA) and the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) conducted a study and resulting report of California's safety net programs and related economic benefits for communities, entitled "Human Services in a Time of Economic Crisis". The resulting report concluded demand for services is up, State and local program funding is down, services are reduced and delayed, and human services spending stimulates the economy. The Employment and Human Services Director requests that the Contra Costa Board of Supervisors adopt the report.


Joe Valentine, Employment and Human Services Director, presented the staff report.

Chair Bonilla invited public comment. Rollie Katz, Public Employees’ Union Local 1, spoke.

Chair Bonilla said we should keep focus on communicating with our legislative representatives on the gap in funding, the true cost of doing business, and on the impacts of poverty on children. She said she would like to see a statement from the County on protecting the infrastructure.

Supervisor Piepho suggested the Board and all Boards of Supervisors visit Sacramento in person to promote discussion on the impacts of the declining revenues and the cost of doing business gap.

Supervisor Gioia noted that the Welfare Directors Association and the California State Association of Counties have already made the gap in the cost of doing business a high priority. He said that aside from that, our fiscal system demands for services continue to rise as revenues continue to decrease. He said the only way to manage an economic downturn is to have a reserve fund in place and said the County should look into putting a policy in place to create a reserve for the future.

Chair Bonilla agreed and requested a future discussion at the Board level. She suggested that Director Valentine bring to the Board a report encompassing the funding gap issues, impacts on children, and creation of a social services reserve fund.

Supervisor Piepho said she supported investigating a reserve fund but said it would have to take into account the current budget restraints. She also said it would need to have restrictions to prevent its use for ongoing expenses. She suggested a referral to the Finance Committee would be appropriate.

Director Valentine said that he would encourage further dialogue with those counties that have not placed a high priority on the cost of doing business funding gap.

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