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Meeting Date: 03/06/2023  
Subject:    CONSIDER options for Measure X oversight
Submitted For: Monica Nino, County Administrator
Department: County Administrator  
Referral No.: 2023:3  
Referral Name: CONSIDER options for Measure X oversight
Presenter: Adam Nguyen, County Finance Director Contact: Adam Nguyen, (925) 655-2048

Referral History:
CONSIDER options for Measure X oversight
Referral Update:
On November 3, 2020, voters in Contra Costa County approved Measure X, a Countywide, 20-year, half-cent sales tax. The ballot measure’s stated intent for Measure X was “to keep Contra Costa’s regional hospital open and staffed; fund community health centers; provide timely fire and emergency response; support crucial safety-net services; invest in early childhood services; protect vulnerable populations; and for other essential county services.” Collection of the tax began on April 1, 2021. To date, $194.5M has been collected, and $345.4M has been allocated through FY23-24 to 9 departments encompassing 34 projects and funding areas.

On February 2, 2021, the Board of Supervisors approved the creation of a 17 member (+10 alternates) Measure X Community Advisory Board (MXCAB) to recommend funding priorities for the annual revenue received under Measure X funds. On March 9, 2021, the Board of Supervisors approved bylaws modeled after the County’s Community Corrections Partnership and Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council. On April 27, 2021, the Board adopted revisions to the Measure X Community Advisory Board Bylaws currently in effect, which provided more detail regarding the process for subsequent appointments. The main responsibilities of the MXCAB include annual needs assessments to identify service gaps and an annual report on the outcomes and impacts of Measure X allocated funds.

On November 8, 2022, during a discussion item providing updates on Measure X, the Board requested that staff return with recommendations for the creation of an oversight body. In response, the County Administrator’s Office conducted a review of oversight structures for county sales tax measures, including the counties of Alameda, Marin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sonoma, and Los Angeles [See Attachment B]. The review found that San Mateo’s Measure K most closely resembles Contra Costa’s Measure X, and all but Santa Clara have an oversight committee. Across the counties reviewed, common responsibilities for their sales tax oversight bodies include annual audits, performance measurement, and annual reports. Most of the oversight committees meet 2 or 4 times annually. San Mateo and Los Angeles counties also have particularly robust and informative websites providing news highlights, reports, and timely updates on related activities and the value provided the dedicated revenues.

Based on the findings from the comparative analysis, the County Administrator’s Office has identified the key considerations listed below for discussion about Measure X oversight to potentially improve transparency, mitigate concerns about potential conflicts of interest and incompatible activities, and add resources to strengthen public information through more robust and timely website updates about Measure X activities, opportunities, and performance outcomes.
  1. Role and responsibilities – What does oversight entail?
    1. Annual financial audit
    2. Performance measurement
    3. Annual report
    4. Avoid incompatible activities (e.g. funding recommendations, directing department activities)
  2. Membership – Who should provide oversight?
    1. How many seats and for what term?
    2. Who represents (e.g. experts such as Auditor-Controller, Public Works Capital Projects Manager, CAO, business and financial representatives from public)?
    3. How are members selected (e.g. application, appointed by role)?
  3. Deliverables
    1. Year-end report
    2. Website maintenance with timely updates
  4. How often should they meet?
    1. Quarterly at launch
    2. Semi-annual afterwards
  5. What resources are needed?
    1. Staff Measure X related meetings
    2. Provide reporting on financials, projects status, activities, opportunities, and performance outcomes
    3. Strengthen public information through more robust and timely website updates
  6. How does the Measure X Community Advisory Body align?
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
1.RECEIVE the report
2.CONSIDER options for Measure X oversight
3.DIRECT staff on next steps
Fiscal Impact (if any):
There are no immediate fiscal impacts associated with considering options for Measure X oversight.
Attachment A - Measure X oversight options
Attachment B - Comparison of county oversight committees

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