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Meeting Date: 03/11/2019  
Submitted For: Anna Roth, Health Services Director
Department: Health Services  
Referral No.: IOC 19/5  
Referral Name: Advisory Body Recruitment
Presenter: Michael Kent, Exec Asst to the Commission Contact: Michael Kent (925) 313-6712

Referral History:
In 2013, IOC reviewed Board Resolution Nos. 2011/497 and 2011/498, which stipulate that applicants for At Large/Non Agency-Specific seats on specified bodies are to be interviewed by a Board Committee. The IOC made a determination that it would delegate the screening and nomination of Hazardous Materials Commission candidates to the Commission, for review by the IOC.

The Hazardous Materials Commission was established in 1986 to advise the Board, County Staff and the mayor's council members, and staffs of the cities within the County, on issues related to the development, approval and administration of the County Hazardous Waste Management Plan. Specifically, the Board charged the Commission with drafting a Hazardous Materials Storage and Transportation Plan and Ordinance, coordinating the implementation of the Hazardous Materials Release Response Plan and inventory program, and analyzing and developing recommendations regarding hazards materials issues with consideration to broad public input, and reporting back to the Board on Board referrals.
Referral Update:
The term for Business #2 Alternate seat expired on December 31, 2017 and has been vacant ever since. The bylaws of the Commission provide that Business #2 Alternate seat be nominated by the Industrial Association, screened by the Internal Operation Committee and appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The Industrial Association has nominated Peter Dahling, Senior Manager of Regulatory Affairs at Marathon Oil, for this seat. His letter of support and application are attached. The term for this seat expires on December 31, 2021.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECOMMEND to the Board of Supervisors the appointment of the Peter Dahling to the Business #2 Alternate seat on the Hazardous Materials Commission to complete the unexpired term ending on December 31, 2021.
IACCC Letter of Nomination for HazMat Commission
Candidate Application_Peter Dahling_HazMat Comm

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