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Meeting Date: 10/29/2020  
Subject:    Secondhand Smoke Ordinance
Submitted For: David Twa
Department: County Administrator  
Referral No.: FHS #82  
Referral Name: Secondhand Smoke Ordinance
Presenter: Daniel Peddycord, Public Health Director Contact: Ryyn Schumacher 925-313-6712

Referral History:
At the November 13, 2017 Family and Human Services Committee meeting, Public Health presented its annual report on the implementation of the County’s Secondhand Smoke ordinance with a recommendation that the Committee consider a proposed ordinance to strengthen the current smoking protections to prohibit smoking inside dwelling units of multi-unit housing, including condos and townhomes. The Committee accepted the report and recommendations, requested that language be added to extend smoking restrictions to guest rooms of hotels and motels, and directed staff to forward those recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for discussion and approval.

The ordinance, titled Smoke-free Multi Unit Residences, was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on March 13, 2018 with implementation to begin for new and renewing leases on July 1, 2018, and for continuing leases and owner-occupied units on July 1, 2019. At the request of the Board of Supervisors, Contra Costa Public Health staff provided reports in March 2018 on preliminary implementation of the ordinances with a follow up report to the Family and Human Services Committee being made in October of 2018, at which FHS asked Public Health staff to send a letter to each City Manager inviting them to model their own city ordinances after the County's ordinance.
Referral Update:
Please see the attached report from the Public Health Division of the Health Services Department with an update, since the October 2019 report, on the implementation of the Secondhand Smoke Protections Ordinance. This latest report includes updates on the implementation of the Multi-Unit Housing Ordinance, compliance challenges and the technical assistance provided to cities within Contra Costa County

Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
ACCEPT the annual report from the Public Health Division of the Health Services Department on the implementation of the Secondhand Smoke Protections Ordinance and DIRECT public health staff to forward the report to the Board of Supervisors for their information.

DIRECT staff from the Public Health Division to study the impacts of second-hand smoke exposure in close-proximity housing, such as mobile home parks, and return to the Committee with recommendation for enhanced protections within 6 months.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
There is no fiscal impact.
Annual Report on Secondhand Smoke Ordinance - 2020

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