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D. 5
To: Board of Supervisors
From: Kathy Gallagher, Employment & Human Services
Date: March  19, 2013
The Seal of Contra Costa County, CA
Subject: Update on Progress on the Health Benefit Exchange Call Center Contract, Facility and Position Approval


Action of Board On:   03/19/2013
Clerks Notes:


Contact: Dorothy Sansoe, 925-335-1009
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of an action taken and entered on the minutes of the Board of Supervisors on the date shown.
ATTESTED:     March  19, 2013
David Twa,
BY: , Deputy



CONSIDER the following actions:

  1. ACCEPT update on establishing a Health Benefit Exchange Call Center in this County;

  2. PROVIDE further direction regarding facility selection and lease negotiation;

  3. APPROVE and AUTHORIZE execution of a contract with the State of California for call center services; and

  1. ADOPT Personnel Resolution No. 21231, creating new classifications and adding positions at the Health Benefit Exchange Call Center.


100% of the cost of the Health Benefit Exchange Call Center will be covered by the State of California, via Federal Funds, authorized under the Affordable Care Act. No County general purpose revenue will be used to support the Call Center.


On March 12, 2013 the Board considered the recommendations contained in the request. At that time, the County did not have an agreement with AFSCME Local 512 with regard to the supervisors who would staff the Call Center. The Board rejected the recommendations and directed staff to notify the Health Benefits Exchange Commission/Covered California (HBEX) of the decision not to proceed with partnering on the establishment of a call center in Contra Costa County.  
On March 13, 2013, the County and AFSCME Local 512 settled the outstanding issues and reached an agreement. The County has now reached agreement with all four unions who will represent employees at the Call Center.  
The County continues to negotiate a contract with the Health Benefits Exchange Commission/Covered California (HBEX). The contract document has been substantially completed, but there are several issues that remain outstanding. A draft of the contract as of March 11, 2013 is attached for informational purposes. A finalized contract will be provided to the Chair of the Board for signature once the finalized document is received from the HBEX.  
Staff continues work on this project and process information as it becomes available. The information included with this Board Order is the best available at this time. Any additional financial, contract or lease information that becomes available will be provided at the meeting.  
The Chair of the Board of Supervisor is requesting the Board of Supervisors reconsider this proposal and determine any possible further actions and directions to staff.   
On January 18, 2013, the Health Benefits Exchange Commission/Covered California (HBEX) announced their intent to award to Contra Costa County a contract to open and operate a call center within the County.   
On February 12, 2013 the Director of the Employment and Human Services Department provided the fourth update on the progress made toward establishing this Call Center. At that time, the Board of Supervisors provided direction on the selection of a facility to house the Call Center. This report provides an update on the efforts since February 12th and requests further direction from the Board and approval of the recommendations detailed above.  
The Public Works Real Estate Division was asked to identify possible sites in east, west and central county, in areas of highest unemployment, that were large enough for 180-200 employees (mostly in office cubicles) that would require the least cost, both in terms of rent and renovation costs necessary to convert the space to a Call Center, provide access to public transportation and were in the vicinity of other Employment and Human Services Department (EHSD) offices. These criteria were developed at the request of the State and were included in the County's proposal. The criteria were approved by the Exchange Board and considered in their decision to award the contract to Contra Costa County.   
On February 12, 2013, the Board of Supervisors considered four possible facilities to house the Call Center: 1450 Marina Way South, Richmond; 2500 Bates Avenue, Concord; 4041 Lone Tree Way, Antioch; and 5065 Deer Valley Road, Antioch. After considering the four sites presented and accepting public comment from members of the community, the Board directed staff to return with additional information, including a comparison, of two of the four sites - the Richmond and Concord site. On February 14, 2013 staff from EHSD, the State, the Department of Information Technology, and Public Works Real Estate toured both sites.   
Attached is new information. The first new document is a Question and Answer sheet that was not included in the February 26, 2013 board Packet but addresses the questions that have risen since that time. The second document is a revised spreadsheet that was originally part of the Facilities Report in the February 26, 2013 agenda item. This new spreadsheet, "Side By Side Facilities Comparison," has been updated with more recent information and attempts to provide an "apples to apples" comparison of the two facilities in question.  
A complete report, prepared by Public Works Real Estate staff is attached.   
In addition, the attachment titled "Community Comparison" includes information on the following: demographics, unemployment rates, CalWORKs clients, childcare sites, and public transportation.  
County staff, including EHSD administrative, fiscal, and program personnel; Human Resources Department; County Counsel and the County Administrator's Office have concluded a number of conference call meetings to discuss contract language and have come to agreement on the terms of the contract and contract language. A draft copy of the contract is attached to this Board Order. Staff recommends the Board approve the draft contract and authorize the Chair of the Board to sign the agreement once it has been finalized to include any changes necessary due to the final selection of a facility.   
Three new classifications and 204 positions are requested to be established for the operations of the Call Center. Two of these positions, the Secretary-Journey Level and one of the EHSD Division Managers will have their duties split between the Call Center and other programs within EHSD. The balance of these positions, a net of 204, are 100% dedicated to the activities of the Call Center. Position Adjustment Request No. 21231 is attached to this Board Order and requests the establishment of three new classifications and the addition of the positions necessary to operate the call center.  
The HBEX requires a certain staffing pattern at its service centers and this requirement also applies to the County’s Call Center. The prescribed staffing pattern requires that EHSD hire and train employees by July 1, 2013. This includes three managers (one half time), one trainer, 12 supervisors, 180 customer service Agents (both permanent full-time and permanent intermittent), and eight support positions (e.g. Secretary (half time), Personnel Services Assistant, Clerical Supervisor, Exchange Call Center Quality Assurance Monitor, and four Clerk-Experienced Level). While some of these positions may be filled laterally, it is anticipated that the majority will be new hires.   
The Call Center will be required to accept calls for 59 hours a week, Monday through Saturday. During the Affordable Care Act’s annual enrollment period, the Call Center will extend its hours to 72 hours per week Monday through Saturday. The plan and budget for the Call Center is to staff the core 40 hours with permanent full time staff and the extended hours, i.e. those past 40, with permanent intermittent employees. Permanent intermittent employees will also be used to ensure adequate coverage and to fill in behind permanent staff during vacation, sick leave, etc.  
The Call Center is to be operational by July 1, 2013, to begin the State required testing of the hardware, software, and staff. That live testing and program refinements continue through September with open enrollment commencing on October 1, 2013.  
The majority of these new positions are entry level and will be attractive to our residents. EHSD will be working with the County’s Workforce Development Board and Richmond’s Workforce Investment Board to coordinate outreach and inform job seekers of these opportunities. EHSD will be informing CalWORKs participants of these jobs and encouraging them to apply. Additionally, we will out-reach to our non-profit partners in the community. It is anticipated that these outreach efforts will include group presentations and job fairs.   
To date, the State has been clear that we should enter into a three year lease and that their intent is to continue this partnership for beyond that period. However, in the event that a reduction in force or layoff of County employees at the Call Center becomes necessary, the Employment and Human Services Department will follow normal County protocols, including notification of labor representatives, placing individuals into other jobs for which they qualify and lay off of employees, if necessary. EHSD will be notified by the State of the date whereby a decision will be made whether to reduce or phase out operations at the Exchange Call Center or to continue as an independently sustainable operation under HBEX after January of 2015. If it is determined that operations at the call center will be reduced or terminated, the project management team will prepare a plan to phase out operations. There would be an extensive internal communication plan in which employees would be notified ahead of time that the center would be downsizing or closing down. Employees would have an opportunity to consider future opportunities. The Workforce Development Board’s Rapid Response team would become engaged to provide staff with information, job training, access to the One-Stop Career Centers, and employment opportunities. The County Tactical Employment Team (TET) would assist employees by identifying possible employment opportunities within other County Departments and assisting with placements. Employees in jeopardy of being laid off would have first priority for position vacancies for which they qualify. EHSD would hold appropriate positions vacant to backfill with call center employees who are interested in maintaining employment within Contra Costa County.  
Over the last week, the Employment and Human Services Department, Human Resources Department and County Administration have been meeting with the labor representatives from the impacted unions, including:

  • American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 2700
  • American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 512
  • Professional and Technical Engineers, Local 21
  • Service Employees International Union, Local 1021
The County representatives and representatives from Local 1021 reached a tentative agreement on Marcy 1, 2013 and County staff continues to meet and confer with the other unions.  
The labor representatives are as excited about this opportunity as County staff and are working closely with us. they have expedited the scheduling of meet and confer sessions to come to agreement as quickly as possible regarding the classifications and working conditions of these new employees.   


The Board of Supervisors and the public will not receive up-to-date information on the progress made in negotiating a contract with the State of California, staff will not receive needed direction from the Board, and over 200 well-paying potential County jobs will not be created.


Not applicable.


Speaker: Paul Sannella (handout attached).

ACCEPTED update on establishing a Health Benefit Exchange Call Center in this County;

Staff report Kathy Gallagher. Conference call with state staff yesterday.  conducted walk through this morning with staff; happy to report can meet all requirements;  

Julie buuren, expect to have lease to property owner by end of the week.

John - will be able to meet the timeline, and no county cost related? landlord will cover cost of additional 12-14 cubicles to enable single-occupant cubicle design.

FTR; 4; not costing county any general fund dollars; in response to cctimes remark about how state could do it cheaper - kept the jobs in california, they were

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