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Meeting Date: 12/12/2022  
Submitted For: Maureen Toms, Oversight Board Secretary
Department: Conservation & Development  
Referral No.: IOC 22/5  
Referral Name: Advisory Body Recruitment
Presenter: Maureen Toms Contact: Maureen Toms (925) 655-2895

Referral History:
On February 6, 2018, the Board of Supervisors referred to the Internal Operations Committee the public member application process for the Countywide Redevelopment Successor Oversight Board.

The California state legislature enacted Assembly Bill x1 26 to dissolve redevelopment agencies formed under the Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.); and on February 1, 2012, the redevelopment agencies in 17 jurisdictions in Contra Costa County were dissolved. Each of these jurisdictions declared that they would act as successor agency for their dissolved Redevelopment Agencies. Oversight Boards for each of these 17 Successor Agencies were established in accordance with the Dissolution Act.

Beginning July 1, 2018, there was be only one oversight board in Contra Costa County. The purpose of this County Oversight Board is to oversee all redevelopment successor agencies in the County. This new oversight board is staffed by the County Auditor-Controller with assistance from the Contra Costa County Department of Conservation (DCD). The Countywide oversight board is appointed as follows:

(1) One member may be appointed by the county board of supervisors.
(2) One member may be appointed by the city selection committee established pursuant to Section 50270 of the Government Code. In a city and county, the mayor may appoint one member.
(3) One member may be appointed by the independent special district selection committee established pursuant to Section 56332 of the Government Code, for the types of special districts that are eligible to receive property tax revenues pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34188.
(4) One member may be appointed by the county superintendent of education to represent schools if the superintendent is elected. If the county superintendent of education is appointed, then the appointment made pursuant to this paragraph shall be made by the county board of education.
(5) One member may be appointed by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges to represent community college districts in the county.
(6) One member of the public may be appointed by the county board of supervisors.
(7) One member may be appointed by the recognized employee organization representing the largest number of successor agency employees in the county.

In 2018, the Board of Supervisors appointed Jack Weir to Seat 6, the member of the public. The term has expired.

The IOC may wish to consider qualifications for the public member (Seat 6) appointment, as follows:

All appointees must be electors of this County;
If any eligibility requirement is not maintained, the Board shall immediately terminate the appointment upon notification by the advisory body chair; or
An interest in complex business agreements and financial transactions.
Referral Update:
Staff opened a recruitment on November 1, 2022 that was scheduled to close on December 5, 2022 and Peter Murray (Pinole) and William Swenson (Oakley) submitted applications, which are attached. Both candidates were invited to interview with the Committee today.

The statute does not specify a term of office for the Public Member seat. The Board's practice is to set the seat term for four years unless otherwise specified, but the Committee can consider any seat term from one to four years.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
INTERVIEW candidates for the Public Member seat on the Countywide Redevelopment Successor Oversight Board and DETERMINE recommendation to the Board of Supervisors for appointment effective January 1, 2023.

RECOMMEND to the Board of Supervisors a four-year term of office for the Public Member seat beginning January 1, 2023.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
The Countywide Oversight Board has no direct impact on the General Fund. Members of the Oversight Board do not receive compensation.
Media Release-Countywide Oversight Board
Application_Peter Murray_Co Oversight Bd
Application_William Swenson_Co Oversight Bd

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