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Housing Authority
Meeting Date: 03/13/2012  
Official Body: Contra Costa County Housing Authority Board of Commissioners

CONSIDER accepting a report on the status of the Housing Authority of the County of Contra Costa’s (HACCC) progress in complying with the obligations set forth in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Corrective Action Plan (CAP) designed to remove HACCC’s troubled rating under the Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP).
SEMAP is HUD’s report card for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. Data on the essential operations of the HCV program are reported annually to HUD and scored according to HUD regulations. SEMAP scores are derived using a combination of HUD's national database of HCV tenant data, information from annual independent audits and self-reported data from public housing authorities (PHAs). HUD conducts on-site audits periodically to verify the data.

Under SEMAP, PHAs that manage an HCV program receive an annual rating on fourteen separate required Indicators and one bonus Indicator. These Indicators are as follows:

1. Selection from the Waiting List
2. Reasonable Rent
3. Determination of Adjusted Income
4. Utility Allowance Schedule
5. HQS Quality Control
6. HQS Enforcement
7. Expanding Housing Opportunities
8. Payment Standards
9. Timely Annual Reexaminations
10. Correct Tenant Rent Calculations
11. Pre-Contract HQS Inspections
12. Annual HQS Inspections
13. Lease-up
14. Family Self-Sufficiency
15. Deconcentration Bonus

A PHA that scores at least 90 percent on the fourteen required Indicators receives a high performer rating. A PHA with a score between 60 and 89 percent receives a standard rating. Any PHA that scores less than 60 percent is considered a troubled Section 8 agency. HACCC scored 24% on its last SEMAP review, which resulted in the current troubled rating. HACCC worked with HUD staff to develop a CAP designed to remove HACCC’s troubled rating. The proposed CAP was approved by the Board of Commissioners on August 16, 2011 and by HUD on November 1, 2011.

HACCC must complete the required items on the CAP by March 31, 2012. Once all of the required CAP items are completed, HUD will perform a SEMAP on-site audit. If HACCC scores better than 60% on the on-site audit the agency will return to a standard performer status. However, because many of the CAP items are tied to tasks that occur on an annual basis, it could take up to a year after the CAP is complete to have all of the files fully reflect the changes made. Because it will be difficult to obtain a standard performer status until most files reflect all of the CAP changes, HACCC has begun working with a consultant to expedite this process. It is expected that additional contract employees will be brought on to further accelerate the file transformation.

HACCC has completed all of the required tasks in the CAP. The CAP is attached and shows when tasks were completed along with a brief description of the deliverables that HUD requested. HACCC is awaiting HUD’s review of the CAP to determine if any items will have to be updated and resubmitted to HUD.

Fiscal Impact
No immediate impact.

Budget Information
Information about available funds
Budgeted: Funds Available: Adjustment: Amount Available:
Unbudgeted: Funds NOT Available: Amendment:
Account Code(s) for Available Funds
Fund Transfers

SEMAP CAP Attachment

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